27) capture and fear.

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You descended down the steps quietly, trailing behind Izuku, your footsteps light as a feather compared to the intimidating clacking of his leather soles.

His cape billowed in the cool draft of the stairwell, and you felt your stomach churn in anticipation. You affixed your mask to your face as you reach the bottom of the stairs, the pressure rising in your gut. The hallway was ominous and long, and you wondered how the League was even able to discover this hangout with a literal dungeon underneath it.

A loud yell of pain echoed from one of the room and bounced against the walls towards the both of you. You flinched, and Izuku instinctively grasped your hand tightly. The door swung open and Dabi and Shinsou exited, their dull eyes meeting yours and Izuku's. You fidgeted uncomfortably and shifted to the side to let them pass, with Shinsou placing a hand on your shoulder briefly as he walked up. Izuku's eyes narrowed and you waved him away.

The both of you approached the ajar door and entered, one with confident strides and the other gingerly. You peered at the redhead, chained up against the wall, slumped over in an uncomfortable position. Burn marks and slices littered his arms, legs and torso, leaving no visible unharmed surfaces.

Your eyes widened in shock. You whipped your head around to face Izuku.

"D..Deku.. This..."

He placed a gloved finger over your lips. You heard Kirishima groan in response, his wrist feebly pulling against one of the metal chains. Your heart broke at the sight of him. He was one of the friendly 1-A students that never felt elitist. He was caring, and spoke strongly of 'Manliness' and 'Justice'. To see him in a pitiful state like this...

"I'm.. not talking... I told you... ugh... guys already..." He coughed, his body jerking forward and giving off uncomfortable cracking noises. You cringed hard and felt tears forming in the back of your eyes. Izuku tilted his head slightly towards Kirishima, giving you the green light. You hurriedly skittered over to his side, falling to your knees and placing your hand onto the ground. Kirishima pulled his hand away from you, but you forcefully grabbed it and held it in place, causing another grunt of pain from him. Aloe vera and calendula plants sprouted at his side, and you took out tools from your sling-bag to begin treating his wounds. With practiced precision, you extracted the necessary essences and began applying them gently to his wounds.

Izuku let out a soft 'tsk' and turned his head away, leaning against the dank walls of the dungeon.

"Why... why are you doing this to me..." Kirishima's lifeless eyes never once looked up at your masked ones. Your eyes wandered to the shock collar around his neck, bringing back unpleasant memories of when it was around yours instead. You kept silent and continued to wrap his wounds, tending minimal first aid to him.

"If you're doing this because you want to keep me alive and torture me more.. I'd rather you just end me... heroes will always prevail anyway..." He wheezed out, dried blood cracking against the movement of his chin. You closed your eyes and pinched your lips together, trying not to say anything. As the cotton swab came into contact with a particularly deep wound, he yelled and pulled his arm away from you, making you recoil in shock. His skin hardened briefly, but the collar sent a wave of shock down his spine, making him jolt violently before he slumped to the ground. Izuku took a step forward but you hurriedly raised your hand, signaling him to stop.

You bit your lip as you continued to tend to his cuts. Letting your plant roots crawl along his arm, you began to realize the damage ran deep into this bones. His injuries consisted of skin lesions, then noticing his muscle fibres were torn badly, and finally the numerous fractures that spiderwebbed across his bones. The only reason why they weren't complete breaks was because he was tougher than the average student, but you couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he was sitting through. 

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