10) you're it.

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"Izuku, pass me my cup!"

Tomura looked at Dabi. The dark haired man shrugged.

"Nuh-uh, (Name)! Shorty!" He stuck his tongue out and raised the bottle even higher. You yelled in anger and tiptoed, stretching every single muscle in your body.

Twice downed his drink and looked at Kurogiri. Kurogiri said nothing.

"Izuku, if you don't let me drink my juice I'll rip your throat out!"

All Might looked at Bakugou. Bakugou frowned. All Might nudged him, and Bakugou threw his hands up in the air.

"Oh, so it's the responsibility that falls on me!" He accused.

The two of your continued bickering, unaware of the mix of confusion and tension rippling through the room.

Midoriya lifted the cup even higher, completely out of your reach. "You're short and tiny! I'm not even straining as hard as you!"

The sound of a chair scraping against the floor resonated throughout the room. The two of you ignored that too. Eyes followed the movement of the boy as he stomped his way towards you two.

Bakugou punched Izuku in the gut, causing him to double over and letting you catch your drink.

The blonde boy wiped his hand on his tank top. "You guys want to explain your... first-name basis?"

"They're FUCKIN' DATING! PASS ME THE TWENTY, MAGNE!" Twice yelled and stood up so fast he knocked his stool over.

"Shut up, Twice. You're way too loud," Tomura sighed and scratched his neck. Shinsou turned back to his book and flipped to the next page.

"Out of all people, are you fucking serious?" Bakugou spoke loudly to no one in particular, but definitely with the intent of letting everyone hear.

"We are NOT! Izuku is just some asshole who WON'T! LET ME! DRINK!" You shouted in denial and slammed the plastic cup onto the table. "More!" You raised your hand up as you looked expectantly at Kurogiri.

"You guys are horrible at covering this up."

"I agree with Shinsou. Stop drinking, (Name). You're going to get overhydrated," All Might spoke up. Kurogiri shook his head and took the cup from you.

"Buuuuuuuut!" You whined and looked back at Izuku.

"Do whatever you want, shorty. None of it's my problem," he smirked and walked out of the room. Twice followed Midoriya, yelling about his twenty dollars.

You sulked as you looked at your empty hands and missing drink. You just came back from another regular day at school, and this is what you got? You groaned and rested your head on the bartop, softly slamming your forehead over and over on it.

"(Name), stop it," All Might looked at you. You pretended to not hear and continued.

"(Name), you're going to lose your brain cells." You ignored that too.

"(Name), stop."

"Go awaaaaaaaay," you droned. Bakugou cleared his throat and walked out of the bar. All Might reached his hand out to stop him, but hesitated and put it back.

"I strongly believe that you might want to stop that right now, (Name)," he turned back to his drink. You paused for a moment, looking at him.

Before you could even utter a word, a chill ran down your spine as the roots you were subconciously connected to picked up on the return of Izuku. You lifted your head to quietly curse Bakugou, but before you could even finish your sentence, a hand grabbed your hair and pulled your head back.

extreme // villain!midoriya izukuWhere stories live. Discover now