19) thanks for everything.

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By the time that Hibiscii reached the top of the stairs, policemen were running towards the unfolding chaos around the area. Residents were evacuated as thorns continued to shoot up and impale anything in front of it and in no time, despite all the warnings, crowds had gathered.

"Hey, isn't this where Hibiscii stays?"

"No way, a hero from the top 10 got into a fight?"

"Who else is that strong to destroy his house?"

The crowd only grew more and more restless as time passed, and the atmosphere was beginning to grow tense as an uneasy silence settled over the house. The plants didn't move anymore, and everything was dead still.

Shinsou leaned against a pillar, scrolling through his phone while Monoma tapped away at a rhythm game.

"Hey, how long more do we have to wait for this to be over?" Monoma piped up, not looking away.

"Honestly, we're just here to restrain Midoriya if he gets out of hand. The situation looks pretty bad right now," Shinsou paused to look at the figure on the roof-

except the figure was gone.

"Ah, shit."

Shinsou lowered his phone.

"Midoriya's missing, isn't he?" Monoma shut off his own phone and slipped it into his pocket.

Before Shinsou could open his mouth, you shot out of the building and tumbled onto the concrete ground before him. Hacking and coughing, blood trailing down your lips and bruises forming on your skin. Blood and cuts were everywhere and your shirt was torn, thankfully revealing nothing.

"Ah... Hey, (Name)." Shinsou greeted. You nodded in recognition before vines grabbed your body amd dragged you back into the building. There was a beat of silence before he was interrogated and drilled by the people around him.

Meanwhile, as Shinsou tried to fend off the news press and nosy neighbours, you tumbled and landed on the debris-filled floor of the second storey, wrapping yourself in a thick ball of vines to buy time to regain your composure. You panted heavily, and proceeded to dry heave, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and pulling away with your palm bloodied.

"(Name), you're the one! The ideal scenario- I came to your mother with the idea of quirk marriages, but we both fell in love together. You were the cherry on top- the perfect baby. You gained my ability to bring life to plants and your mother's-" he cut himself off. You noticed his hesitation, and opened a small hole to look at him.

He wasn't looking at your makeshift shield like you expected. He was looking into the distance, the opposite side of the house. The side where the picture of your mother hung on the wall, untouched except for a fine layer of powder from the ruckus.

He turned back to you, looking directly into your eyes. You expected fury, rage, anger- everything you've experienced firsthand from his alcoholic outbursts.

But you have never seen him cry once, until now. Tears slid down his reddened cheeks and suken face. Eyebags lined the bottom of his eyes, and for that moment he simply looked like a torn, heartbroken husband. The same face he had on when he stared into the peaceful, sleeping face of your baby sister. He smiled gently at you, and looked up into the sky.

"You said mum was quirkless."

"She was better off without her quirk. I heard her wish it away every night, but it never was," he sat on the floor, cross-legged. There was no more fighting, but you remained in your ball of safety.

"What was it?"

"What was what?"

"Mum's quirk. The one she hated," you lowered your vines to form a cage, enough to protect you and enough to see a clear image of him.

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