21) there's something off.

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A shiver shot down your spine. Hands snaked under your arms and you felt breathing on your neck, yet you didn't turn around.


You knew it was a dream. But you stiffened anyway. The hands retracted themselves.

"You're so mean, you know that, right?"

The figure behind you walked in front of you, but you couldn't lift your head to see their face, as if your vision was blurred. A hand went to cover your eyes, and the other went to lift your chin up.

"Feel. That's all you need to do right now."

Their body leaned towards you, you could feel their breath on your lips.

"Plus Ultra."

Your eyes shot open. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, acting as a spotlight for the dust particles that danced through the air, as if putting on a performance.


Izuku was resting his head against the mattress, head turned to the side as he watched you.

You felt your lips curl up. "Hi."

"Your father got 20 years in jail. 10 strokes of the cane. Second-degree murder, got too much drink apparently," Midoriya lifted his head to look at you clearer. You struggled slightly before you managed to sit up, letting out a sigh as you leaned against the headrest.

"I'll... I'll take it."

"But I don't agree."

You shot a glance at Midoriya. He was staring at you intently.

"There's more to this. I know there is," he tilted his head downwards, breaking his stare. "Something was off with his story. It matches up perfectly, all evidences link and everything works. He got home late from work, tired, and then decided to drink his sorrows away like he always does. Just then, you ran down the stairs and grabbed him. In his druken stupor, he shoved you away and the ruckus made the baby cry... and in his rage he killed her."

Midoriya tapped his chin. "But it feels like he was trying to cover up something. Like there was more to this story. He didn't remember what the murder weapon was until someone mentioned glass bottles."

"I guess her murder wasn't important to him then," you clenched your fist.

Midoriya looked at you and decided he didn't want to say anything else.

There was a moment of silence as two birds landed on the windowsill. They cocked their heads to the side and ruffled their feathers, chirping loudly as they pecked on the window.

"Hey, (Name)?"


"I love you."

You felt your heart skip a beat. That was incredibly random.

"...I ...I love you too."

Izuku's head tilted slightly. Barely enough to be seen by you, but enough to show the little smile on his lips. "You're so cute."

Midoriya stood up from the chair and stretched.

"I should go before the doctors get me. I entered illegally again," he turned around to face the window.



"You look good in these kind of outfits."

You watched his face blush red and you could see his brain ceasing function. You felt like snorting, but held it in.

"I...! You recover soon, and fast!?" He yelled the last phrase as if it was a question, and then vanished out the window, the two birds flying off with him. You snickered to yourself, before turning your attention to your phone beside you. What day was it- how much days of school have you skipped?

You rubbed your cheek absentmindedly and pressed the button, watching as faint cracks ran along the glass protector of your screen- a reminder of your fight. You brushed against them before turning your attention to look at the date.


But that wasn't the piece of information that caught your eye.


Monday...? What was supposed to happen on Monday? There was something... that was in the back of your... mind...

Oh shit-! The UA kids were leaving for the field trip today!

You felt sweat break out from your palms. Wednesday was in less than 72 hours. You had less than 48 hours to recover so you can go back and plan with everyone. Was that enough time? Would there be some postponing if you couldn't make it? Would you being here be a nuisance?

"Miss (Name), good morning," A nurse entered the room with a clipboard in one hand, and a trolley beside him You hurriedly dispersed your thoughts and spaced out.

"Ah..! Hi! Good morning..." you rubbed your cheek again.

"It's very quick but you'll be able to leave by tomorrow! You wounds have healed at an exceptional speed- it seems as if you were administered aid at the scene before we arrived to take you," the nurse smiled gently.

Of course, you thought. I made sure to stab myself with a medicinal plant so the wound wouldn't take too long to heal- I guess some of the plant sap got into me and healed the rest as well.

He flickered his eyes to the board before looking at you, and there was a slight moment of hesitation, as if he was worried to approach you.

"Is there something wrong?" You asked.

"Ah, no, nothing. Just unease from the previous patient I dealt with earlier," he laughed nervously.

"Nope, that's a complete lie. What happened when you found me?"

The nurse rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, i'm not supposed to say this, but you're actually allowed to be released the moment you awoke. We had to keep you in for investigation because something happened when we found you and your father."

You blinked. "Something? I blacked out after i delivered my own wound, what happened?"

"Uhm, I could only see from a distance, but I heard yells about how the people just couldn't approach your body no matter how hard they tried. Are you sure you blacked out? I'm almost certain I saw plants creeping down the walls of the house-" he stopped himself.

You looked at him expectantly.

"I've said too much, I really shouldn't have opened my mouth," he laughed even more nervously than before. He placed a cup of water on the table beside you, before lowering his head and heading for the door.

"Don't tell anyone I told you this, ok? I'm gonna lose my job," he chuckled and closed the door behind him.

You picked up the water and sipped it absentmindedly, not realizing how thirsty you had felt. Your mind was preoccupied with the information you received- what were you supposed to do with it? There was just too many missing pieces in the puzzle of your memory, maybe it'll come to you later. You'll just be patient for now.

That's a lie, too. You're going to dig shit up to find out what the hell was exactly going on once you leave this bed, and you were going to find a better witness with a better vantage point.

Somewhere near Tatooin station, Midoriya sneezed twice and rubbed his nose.

"Don't catch a fucking cold now, you dumbass!" Bakugou slapped the back of Midoriya's head. The green haired boy just smiled sheepishly, before looking up at the blue, blue sky.

Everyone except them were all oblivious to what's about to come.

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