25) a story to tell.

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"What the hell! You could've died! You're insane!"

You flinched at the loud cursing that erupted from his mouth.

"You should've never said anything, what if she recognized your voice?"

"It's alright, I've barely spoken to her and I don't-"

"No, (Name). Midoriya is right for once," Dabi placed a hand on your head. You closed your mouth and looked down in shame.

"I gave the 'kill' command to the Noumu for a reason. I didn't tell it to 'paralyze' or 'severely traumatize'," Dabi removed his hand from your hair and brought it to his chin. "Though, maybe I should do that in the future "

"Cut the shit and take this seriously, Dabi," Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Deku, you're being too harsh on (Name). It was partially our fault for leaving such an important task to the newbie alone anyway." 

Your smartass wanted to snap at Bakugou, maybe yell at him for not trusting you, but you had nothing to say. You should have insisted for assistance the moment you felt unsure of yourself, now your identity was in danger just because you had a moment of clarity.

"I'm sorry. It was my bad. I'll make it up to you guys somehow," you muttered, not wanting the lump in your throat to go any further. You just wished Izuku would try to look at things from your perspective, or listen to you. But you know he's not like that- the gentle Izuku was long dead. Well, not entirely, but enough for you to not hope for it. You closed your eyes, hoping the tears pooling up wouldn't be seen.

Midoriya sighed and pinched his nose bridge, and the room fell into silence for a few seconds.

"Listen, (Name). As a part of the villains, you have to recognize that you're an asset to the team now. I know you think it wouldn't be right to have left Yaoyorozu to die, but I don't want you to repeat this again. Do I make myself clear?"

You lowered your head and turned away. Before you knew it, hot tears spilled from the corner of your eyes and you hurriedly pulled the collar of your shirt to cover your face.

"Yeah, I got it. Sorry."

With that, there was no room left for the conversation to carry on. Midoriya turned around and briskly walked out of the door, and everyone soon followed after, leaving you to mope alone. You rubbed the base of your palm against your eyes and took a deep breath, sniffling loudly. Your fist grabbed the edge of your shirt as you bit your lip in frustration.

"FUCK!" You threw your pillow across the room. It was especially frustrating because you knew you couldn't argue with him. He was always right, the bastard was always FUCKING right no matter how wrong you wanted him to be. What business did you have in meddling with Yaoyorozu's life? Did you really think you could handle both the mission and a Noumu at the same time? You were getting conceited. You felt the skin on your lip strain against your bite, threatening to explode at any moment. Your mind was swirling, your vision blurred as you went in and out of focus, everything suddenly caught up to you at once, as if you felt your father's grip around your neck again-

The door clicked open softly.

It sent a jolt down your spine, as if someone had just clapped directly in front of your eyes, but nothing would prepare you for the person that entered the room.

All Might took slow steps towards you, the door swinging shut gently behind him. You stared at him with a mix of disbelief and confusion. You've only seen him a few times around the villain league, and you never got used to his 'fall from grace'.

"A-All Might... Sir..." You stuttered. You swung your legs as you hurriedly stood to greet him, but he waved and motioned for you to sit back down. Unsure, you complied and felt a bead of sweat roll down the back of your neck. He pulled a chair towards him and sat, covering his mouth with his hand as if he was deep in thought. Your shoulders slumped as you watched him nervously.


"Eep! Yes! Hello sir that's me!" You blurted out, and covered your mouth. Even though he was technically on the same level as you now, you couldn't stop viewing him as a revered figure that everyone admired throughout your childhood. You recalled all the 5 star holographic cards made of him, all the headlines on the articles and all the magazine covers.

He looked slightly surprised at your reaction, before letting out a low chuckle.

"No need to be so uptight around me, young lady. I'm just a colleague now," he lowered his hand to his chin and turned away. "I'm not gonna talk about anything too terribly important, anyway."

You tilted your head in curiosity. What did The All Might need from you, anyway?

"I know you've been awfully close with Midoriya as of late. That kid has been needing it for the longest time. Thank you," he smiled sadly. You nodded vigorously, but nothing was processing in your head. You were still too star-struck to register most of his words.

"Midoriya is a good boy. He really is as loyal as anyone could get," All Might shifted. "Has he told you how we both ended up here?"

You shook your head, words still stuck in your throat.

"It's not a happy story, seeing as we're both in the League of Villains, but I feel like I still should tell you this. The sooner, the better, you know?" He stood up and dragged the chair to directly face you. You sat frozen in your spot, not daring to move a muscle. Despite looking so frail, the presence he exuded still gave off a sense of authority. He sat down and faced you, making direct eye contact. His blue eyes pierced straight through you and you shivered involuntarily.

"This is the story of how I wish I'd met Midoriya under better circumstances."

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