6) deep in thought.

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A mysterious voice comes bearing a gift of the future to you.

Your fingers were laced with Izuku's, head resting against his shoulder as he fiddled with the bottom of your shirt. Your eyes were slowly closing, but you tried your best to keep them open.

Before you could finish blinking, you felt the world around you spin and found yourself with your head on his lap. His hand fiddled with your hair, gently brushing up and down your cheek. It stopped at your forehead, and you cringed slightly.

"You have a fever."

"No I don't," you lied confidently. Izuku lifted the bottom of his palm to his mouth and bit his glove, pulling it off, before placing the back of his hand onto your forehead. You turned your head to stop him from touching it.

"I don't."

"(Name). Give me your forehead."

You hesitated, but during that one second, Midoriya grabbed your chin and tilted it towards him, before hoisting your body up and placing a kiss on your forehead. Your face heated up even further.

"You do, (Name). Todoroki must've spread it to you."

"You can't do anything about it either way!" You rolled out of his grasp and stuck your tongue out. You stood up from the couch, wavering a little from the sudden bout of dizziness.

"That's what you think." He tackled you down from the back, pinning you against the floor as he pressed his hand against your mouth.

"Grow. The medicinal. Leaves. Now."

You were immediately compelled to do so. A small bush of leaves broke through the wooden flooring and sprouted. Izuku grabbed a handful and the leaves immediately crumbled to dust in his grip. He removed his hand and sprinkled it into your mouth.

"You're extremely troublesome, (Name). You very well know that you're our group's only 'healer' and yet you're so adamant on insisting that you can't recover from such a tiny fever," Midoriya sat you upright as you swallowed the clump.

"Well, it wouldn't be no fun if I don't let myself get chased a little," you laughed and rested your head against his chest. Maybe you could sleep like this for a while...


Fuckin' hell. Were you conked out so bad you slipped into REM immediately and once again, had a dream you couldn't recollect?

A shrill ring began to surface as you felt yourself stir awake.

"(Name)? (Name)!!" Midoriya shook you awake. Your gut was still rumbling and doing all sorts of circus acts inside, making you more queasy than in pain, but you could still feel the crusted blood on the side of your mouth and sense the pool of blood beside you. Your vision was blurred, but it was enough to notice you were still in the same place as you were before you blacked out.

"Holy shit, I'm so fucking sorry! I forgot my limits and human limits, I'm such a freakin' idiot! Are you alive?" Midoriya wiped a wet tissue against your lips, the tissue coming away dusted with a dark crimson red of dried blood.

"F... F-Fuck you, Midoriya Izuku," you coughed out, tapping the ground and summoning vines to snatch you out of his grasp and place you against a wall, further from him. You weren't in the mood to talk to him at the moment.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll repay the favour," Midoriya sat beside you, plucking at the fabric of his gloves and nervously chewing the inside of his cheek.

You shakily reached into your pocket to pull out a seed and pressed your palm against the floor, raising up a dark green plant with variegated leaves. You plucked out the best leaves and inspected them with your half-lidded eyes.

extreme // villain!midoriya izukuWhere stories live. Discover now