22) a warm welcome.

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"(Name)!! Don't open your eyes- don't cheat!" Toga slapped her hands over your eyes, blocking the gap you were peeking out of.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry! Where are we going? I'm going to crash into something!" You stumbled over your feet as you tried your best to navigate with Toga infront.

"You can hear my footsteps, right? I'm walking pretty loudly with these shoes on. Just follow me," Todoroki nonchalantly walked ahead of you, his footsteps sounding as distinct as heels against marble tiles- you were sure the ground beneath you wasn't marble, though. The footsteps continued to echo throughout the room as you continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, the footsteps ceased and the pressure was lifted from your eyes. Himiko's hands and Todoroki's presence had seemingly disappeared from the place. You kept your hands over your eyes, but turned your head.

"Toga? Todoroki? Where are we?" You asked. Not receiving an answer, you worriedly removed your hands and opened your eyes, only to be met with-


Your natural instinct to seeing anyone right in front of you was to step back, but for some reason you stepped forward towards him, crashing into his chest.


Just before you could fall, rough hands grab onto yours and a strong arm rests against your back, pulling yet pushing you up and preventing you from falling.

You took a second to realize what was going on- Izuku just caught you in the most unbelievable of ways. One of your legs was up in the air as your body arched backwards, an arm around Izuku's neck, while Izuku's arm was holding your left arm up and his left arm supported your back. His face began to redden.

"Okay now what the FUCK that is not possible, I'm so fucking calling bullshit on that one," Bakugou sat up from the couch beside you two. There was a moment of silence before a collective groan sounded out throughout the room.

"Damnit Bakugou, you ruined the surprise!"

"Tsk, it's always the U.A. students that ruin it."

"Shut it, Monoma. You're a U.A. student too."

"Aw that's so neat! Teach me how you did that, Midoriya!"

Bright lights flickered on and you were momentarily blinded. You blinked a few times and turned to see Dabi unenthusiatically walking back from the light switch.

You turned to look back at Midoriya, who looked like he was at a loss.

"Hi, (Name)," you both didn't budge from your position.

"Good morning Midoriya," you never broke your stare. The entire room was focused on the two of you and you were beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Can I be let down already?" You spoke up. The red faded from his face.

"Sure, my bad," Izuku leaned forward a little and placed a kiss on your forehead, before pulling you up. The entire room exploded, yells from Twice and Magne overpowering the chaos surrounding them.



You covered your forehead in embarassment as you turned around to dive into Izuku's chest. You would never be able to face anyone now, you would have to leave the villains, start a new life, find a modest job, live in a normal apartment- it wasn't too late, you still hadn't taken part in any of their plans, you could run away and flee this country-

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