12) build up.

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very minor lemon implications in this chapter! only about two sentences long near the end.

The TV was playing static and white noises as almost everyone was piled into the bar. Kurogiri stood behind the counter, endlessly pouring drinks into different cups with Twice and Monoma helping out, thought Monoma was more of laughing at Bakugou who was struggling to restrain himself, and Twice was just messing around (again).

A guy in a plague doctor mask sat at the counter, chatting with All Might about god knows what, Magne seemingly eavesdropping and staring at her empty cup. There were so many more villains you couldn't identify, and it hit you that the Alliance was bigger than expected.

"You two, you're back," Tomura looked up from the static TV to acknowledge your presences.

"Tamaki's not coming," Izuku shrugged his jacket off and put it on your head. You made a sound of protest, but he ignored it.

Tomura didn't seem particularly affected by the fact Tamaki isn't coming, so you inferred Tamaki never really came for stuff like this. You took off Izuku's jacket and attempted to fold it, before deciding to just tie it around your neck like a little cape. The end of the jacket almost reached the back of your knees, and you subconciously pulled it a higher.

Greetings and cheery yells erupted from all sides of the bar.

"Hey Midoriya."

"Midoriya. (Name)."

"Ah, Deku! And... the other one!"

"Deku's my fucking thing, dipshit. And that's (Name)."

"Sup Midoriya and (Name)!"

You suddenly felt very conscious of yourself. You didn't really know everyone in the room, but they knew you. How much of you was exposed?

You shrunk back into your only form of comfort in this room, Izuku's jacket. "I don't think we've met before, (Name), was it? Good to see you." The silver-haired shady man shook your hand. "Name's the Broker. I do the scouting around here."

"Y-yeah! Good to see you too, Broker!" You smiled back at him. You scanned the room around you once more. Rappa was looking at the deck of cards intently, with a pair of dice beside it. Tomura was in a conversation with Kurogiri, All Might and the plague-mask dude, with Bakugou and Monoma yelling their heads off at each other.

"The guy in the mask is Overhaul. We're in an alliance with the yakuza for now," Izuku took his gloves off and slid them into his pocket. You felt your heart flutter a little just because he looked good doing that.

The static slowly cleared and you were faced with a black screen on the TV. The mindless chattering ceased and everyone was focused on the screen and nothing else.

"Ah, test. Test. I'm guessing you all can hear me. This is going to be quick. I've given orders to both Tomura and Kurogiri, so they shall be the in charge of this event. Seeing as the USJ plan was foiled by one messy mistake, we are planning to take back our pride by ambushing U.A. High."

You felt something tickle your mind. USJ attack, where you got distracted and captured. Midoriya turned his head and gently nuzzled your hair, but you were too deep in thought to reply.

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