5) let's go somewhere.

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Fingers tapped impatiently against the wooden table.

"I'm impressed, Midoriya," Tomura spoke up. Voices arose from the corner, where Twice was hanging out with Dabi, drinking some liquor that you doubted Midoriya would approve of.

"Thanks Tomura, but I have one more request," Midoriya ran his hand through his hair. You fidgeted anxiosuly.

"We need to make a costume and villain name to cover (Name)'s tracks," Midoriya added. He lifted up a notebook that had dog ears and folded pages all over, prepared to open it. You nodded in agreement- you didn't really want to be exposed to your classmates, after all.

"No need."

"Excuse me?" You both said at the same time.

Tomura flung his hands out towards his sides. Even through the ridiculous amount of fake hands covering his face, you could see his bone-chilling grin.

"Costume, yeah whatever, but for a villain name..." Tomura's cheeks lifted into an even wider grin. He folded his arms back and laced his fingers together. His voice suddenly dropped into a low whisper, enough to be heard, and enough to reveal the poison beneath his words.

"Don't you think hearing another former Yuuei student committing such a grave offence would plunge the world into much better despair?"

A chill ran down your spine. You weren't sure if you wanted to do this any longer. Despair? What kind of sick... ideal was that?

You instinctively flinched back and leaned towards Midoriya. He didn't say anything.

"Noted," Midoriya stood up from his seat and slid the notebook into the inside of his jacket.

"Is he not going to say anything about what the hell Tomura just said??" Your mind yelled at you, but you ignored it and stared at the freckled-faced boy, partially shocked, and partially "oh well, they're villains, i guess."

You followed his actions, standing up and brushing your dirtied outfit.

"Wait. (Name)," you stopped, looking away from Tomura. You kind of didn't want to meet his eyes at the moment.

"Accompany Midoriya out whenever you can," you snapped your eyes back to him, incredulous. But Tomura wasn't looking at either of you when he said that, instead gazing at the blank wall. You responded with a slight nod of your head and clutched onto Midoriya's jacket, letting him tug you out of the room.

You let out a huge breath of air, feeling much more better and less suffocated. "That was fucking terrifying."

"He's like that, you'll get used to him, but for now let's get you covered up so that no one will notice you," he threw his jacket around your shoulders and tied a bandanna around your neck. You pulled it up to obscure your mouth.

"Our job today is to keep an eye out on the Yuuei students. They've been placed on tighter security, but they're still very much carefree. It was supposed to be Bakugou's turn today, but..." Midoriya 'tsk'ed and looked at the locked door you two were walking towards. "He never does his missions. It's always pushed onto someone else."

"Kacchan, we're taking over so don't have anymore mood swings, okay?" Midoriya called out and Bakugou yelled a loud 'Fuck off, Deku!'. An explosion sounded out, followed by much more vulgar and inappropriate cursing.

"Let's go, (Name)," Midoriya held onto your arm and pulled you up to the roof of the building. The wind whipped his hair around, and he pulled you closer to him while wrapping his arms around your waist protectively.

"This might be kind of cold, hold onto my jacket," he warned. You blinked at him. "Cold? I think the weather's pretty- aaAAAAHHHHHHHH!!"

You two were in the air.

extreme // villain!midoriya izukuWhere stories live. Discover now