1) may i ask who?

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His lips brushed against your earlobe.

P l u s  U l t r a .

Your eyes shot open, and you sat up, letting out a small groan as you stretched. The concrete floor against your back was killing you. Your eyes trailed towards the pathetic hole in the wall, which you presumed was a window.

Your hands trailed to your ears, and you lowered it slightly as you looked at the blue sky above.

"Plus... Ultra...?"

You heard the voice every time you dreamt, but you can never remember the face that it belonged to. You were getting desperate, the dreams became more vivid with each night. Was it foreshadowing? A figment of your imagination? A hallucination to show you were going mad?

You bent your legs, popping your knees, and stood up, letting your fingers brush against the collar around your neck.

You've lost track of time long ago, but it's probably been days, weeks, since you were locked in the room.

After a breach at Yuuei where class 1-A was attacked, you rashly decided to follow the teachers to go assess the situation- mainly because of the usefulness of your quirk.

However because of you ignoring all warning and rushing ahead of the pro-heroes, you were captured. So far, you've seen nothing but the bland room and the window pointing upwards at the sky, and a table that looked like it was going to snap at any moment.

A metal clank sounded out as your tray of food slid across the floor. You uttered a thank you- the only shred of humility you were hanging on to- and sat down to poke at your decent meal, wondering if you should fling it against the door like you always wanted to or consume it like you always did. You eventually went with the latter, like a good kid.

No, not because you were a good kid. If you had thrown your food, you would starve throughout the day. You could use your quirk to allow you to survive, but the harsh, cold collar would have no mercy on you.

Your first prison escape attempt left you on the ground writhing and convulsing in silent pain from the electric shocks. Your second prison escape attempt, which involved the meagre plastic spoon they provided you with, didn't even make a dent against the floor of the ground.

You concluded that you were helpless.

Gently picking up the chicken, you closed your mouth around the chopsticks, and gagged. Your food was cold today, just like the heart of whoever prepared the dish.

If only you had your quirk, the ability to manipulate plants, which was very capable in both offense and defense. It let you become almost invincible as long as you were skilled enough, from vines as hard as steel to poisonous spores that would knock 20 grown men out...

If you could use it, you would've escaped a long, long time ago... But maybe if you could find a way to get rid of this damn collar...

The doors slammed open and your eyes shot up. Tomura stood at the the doorway, hand outstretched and only a few centimetres from your face. You involuntarily shivered. Did he read your mind?

The two of you remained in that position for a while, until you cleared your throat and tilted your head upwards. "Did you w...want something, Shigaraki Tomura?"

Good. Your voice didn't quake and crack as much as you thought it would.

"Sensei requested that we bring you out. You've been nothing but a burden to us. It's about time we find use for you," he stated, signalling one of his lackeys to haul you to your feet. His grip on your arm was so tight you dropped the spoon, and watched dejectedly as your plate of food slowly disappeared from your sight.

Before you knew it, you were thrown on your knees. You hissed at the pain and looked up, only to meet the dark gaze of an oddly familiar, but skinny blond man. He glared down at you and looked away, turning to face a man with a... black mist for his head. The two of them exchanged words that you couldn't make out.

"Young child, may I ask for your quirk?" Black-mist guy lowered his head slightly in a bow.

"Why should I tell you?" You stuck your tongue out at him. The collar shocked you and you fell flat on the ground, the pain overwhelming you as you felt nothing but static course through your body. A vague feeling dribbled down your chin- blood? You had no time to consider anyway. Because Tomura kicked you in your guts.

"Don't talk to Kurogiri like that, or you'll suffer more than that tongue of yours."

Ah, you bit your tongue. You were definitely going to regret that decision later.

Kurogiri cleared his throat. "After searching through Yuuei records, we have found nothing about you. Only that you were in general studies. You aren't a hero course student nor a teacher, so why go and save the children when you don't even know them?" Kurogiri set down the stack of paper in his hand and slid a glass of water towards you. "Please, drink."

You growled and swung your arm, sending the cup flying onto the ground. Kurogiri looked slightly hurt.

Tomura wasn't as cool about it as Kurogiri though. He cursed at you again.

Your vision began to waver, but just then a hand grabbed your face, turning your head to face them. Your eyes made contact with the same man you first saw. His piercing blue eyes bore into yours and his grip began to tighten to the point where it began to hurt.

"All Might, stand down. You are all terrifying the poor child," a voice spoke up from behind an entryway. A man appeared from the shadows, his head and neck covered in some sort of large, black mask.

"S-Sensei!" Tomura stood straighter. The atmosphere in the room seemingly shifted slightly, and everyone was tenser than before. All Might released his grip on your face.

"Evening, Tomura," Sensei nodded in his direction and crouched down to look at you.

"They've been treating you harshly, haven't they? I'm sorry you poor thing," Sensei apologized.

You spit on the ground in front of him with what remaining energy you had left. As usual, Tomura cursed at you yet again. You let the blood pooling in your mouth dribble down your lips and onto the floor you were on.

You drew in a breath, ready to hurl whatever expletives in whatever language you knew at him, before your vision filled with white and black grains as pain shot through every spot of your body.

You heard a strangled cry, which strangely resembled your voice. Was it really you who cried that? Don't know. Maybe. You can't tell what'e going on anymore.

"Tomura! The child is still young, are you planning on killing them?" Sensei scolded. His voice sounded muffled, as if you were listening to him underwater.

Sensei hauled you up into his arms, cradling you as if you were a baby. Your clenched fists rested on his chest as tears rolled down your cheeks. He wiped the blood streaming from your nose and watched as you twitched from the aftereffects of the shock.

"Let's say we get you healed up first, then I can have a proper and civilized discussion with you, alright? How about you go to sleep first, I'll be sure to be there when you wake up," his voice smiled, holding onto your hand.

You wish you could say you toughed it out, but somewhere inbetween the tears and blood you nodded off into dreamland.

It hurt so badly.

In your dream you were running until your lungs were on fire. Branches whipped across your face as you sped past them, leaving a trail of blood as you reached for the light at the end. You willed for them to shrink back, but nothing happened. Your body twitched, and you began to fall, but you were stopped by a pair of arms.

But the difference was that the pair of arms were so much more kinder, kinder than the one that held you to sleep.


You felt hot breath against your collarbone, hands trailing down your arms. The same voice in your dreams spoke up once more.

Plus Ultra.

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