11) time passes fast.

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Izuku walked up to you and placed a hand on your head distractedly.

"Aw man, you caught me," you feigned disappointment, sticking out your tongue at him. Midoriya retracted his hand and turned to the plants, brushing against a few leaves that seemed to be sentient. A bug crawled past his gloves and he instinctively flicked his wrist, seeing it fall and disappear into the forest floor. He suppressed a shiver.

He cleared his throat and turned his attention towards you, thinking of conversation starters.

"So... Tamaki always walked past here and noticed you. He told us maybe you'd like to join us. Shinsou said you probably wouldn't," he chuckled as he crouched down to look at an ant crawling past a violet. The cicadas chirped noisly, enveloping the both of you. You opened your mouth to reply, but closed it.

It would make sense someone who saw you here would think you were suspicious, but you still felt a little sad that doing just that labelled you as a person with bad intentions.

On the other hand, you barely go to school and see your friends, let alone see Shinsou. Before the Villain Alliance, the two of you didn't even know each other. Maybe his face was familiar, but that was about it.

You thought long and hard about Tamaki. His name did stir a memory in you, as if he had been brought up in a conversation before, but no face came to mind.

"I haven't seen Tamaki before," You squat beside Izuku. The two of you observed a trail of ants carrying all sorts of food across the root of a tree. The heat radiating from his black clothes was mildly comforting, and you subconsciously moved towards him, enjoying the warmth among the dense, cool air of the forest.

"Actually, if i'm not wrong, he lives close to here. I followed him home when I was scouting him before, so I memorized the entire layout of his neighbourhood."

"Oh that's pretty cool! I live... well, lived close to here too. My house is down the street, not like i want to go there anytime," you laughed to yourself. You grabbed a locust from a nearby plant and flung it to the ground where it struggled, legs up in the air.

Izuku tilted his head to one side. "Oh, that's nice to know, i guess. Also, why are you burying the locusts?"

"I mean, my mom was a gardener, so it was like a habit for me to get rid of insects that hurt plants. My quirk- Dad's quirk- heavily depends on my 'relationship' with these flora anyway, thats why I like playing around with them," you pushed the soil onto the bunch of struggling bugs at the bottom. The vine you were squatting beside creeped up your arm and a leaf brushed your cheek, as if saying thank you.

Izuku looked at you softly, appreciating your gentle gaze. If only you would at him that way too...

You looked back up at him and averted your gaze. The vine on your arm continued twirling until it touched Izuku's wrist. He jerked back slightly, rubbing the spot where it touched him. His face was a little red and you wondered if it was an allergic reaction or something.

"It likes you, Izuku," you smiled at him and brushed the leaf gently. He cautiously took the leaf in his hands, which shyly shrunk back away. He pouted a little.

"The last time I touched leaves, they didn't do movements like this," he noted, placing his chin in his hand.

"That's because my presence is kind of giving it a conciousness. I can make it inanimate if you want," you removed your hand from the vine, and it went back to its original position on the tree. The leaves rustled in the wind.

"Let's head back, (Name), i'm sweating buckets here," Izuku stood up and stretched, offering a hand out. You gratefully took it and let your touch linger there for a second longer.

extreme // villain!midoriya izukuWhere stories live. Discover now