3) i know you.

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When you awoke, you felt a slight strain in your body and a jacket draped over you. Everywhere hurt, but you forced yourself to turn your head and inspect your surroundings. A boy sat by the bed, arms crossed as his head constantly dropped, as if falling asleep.

Your hand shakily lifted to feel your neck, only to be disappointed when you felt the collar still on. Damn. No escaping again.

The boy breathed out a little too heavily and woke himself up from his sleep.

"You're awake? That's good to hear! Tomura might as well have killed you with those shocks," he ruffled his hair and pressed his hand against your cheek. His fingers trailed to your forehead, then to your chin before releasing his hold.

"You're Midoriya," you whispered, unable to use any more strength than that. Feeling that name roll off your tongue felt unfamiliar, but hearing it didn't why was that so? You chewed ghe inside of your cheek as you absentmindedly wringed your wristcuffs.

"You must be... (Full Name)?"

"(Name) is fine."

"Well then, (Name), d-don't overstrain yourself, okay? I don't know how to heal wounds and we don't have a healer..." Midoriya stood up and removed his jacket. He reached to your neck and carefully unclipped the collar, much to your surprise. You tried to leap out of the bed, but your body remained on the bed in protest.

You gritted your teeth and spoke slowly. "What... am I... to do?" Even in the dim lighting, you could feel a slight shift in atmosphere, as if Midoriya was reluctant to mention something.

"My orders were to take care of you and keep you on watch at all times, but I took the collar off because I hoped you'd remember... our first encounter," his voice lowered. He sounded much more cold and... suave, compared to the anxious mess from earlier.

An expression of confusion flashed across your face as you dug through your memories. What did he mean? Did it happen when you were as young as 3 years, or recently as in last month? Maybe some important event that you suppressed-


Your eyes flickered to his face.

Thud, thud.

"They're all yours, young Midoriya."

"I-I don't want to kill anyone, I don't..."

The sound vibrations running through the roots shocked you. You dropped your notepad. Kill? What were you listening in on?

"How long are you going to keep saying that? You've done nothing but cry all day."

Your knees were quaking. This was your first time being able to use your quirk to 'see' events happening, and the first thing you sense is murder. Bodies littered the ground and you could hear blood splatter. Two men were on the ground, barely able to breathe but still begging for their lives. A boy was crying profusely about refusing to kill them. Two other men stood behind him, hurtling cruel words towards the boy.

"Did I pass on One for All to you for nothing? What a waste."

Midoriya looked at the other boy, tears falling from his face onto the ground.

"Tomura, you know..."

"No, I don't. Discard all the pointless emotions that are just holding you back, Midoriya. You're better off without them," Tomura replied with a straight face. With an outstretched arm, he grabbed onto the face of one of the thrashing men. As he held him down, the skin began to crack and disintegrate as blood began to run down his face and drip onto the floor. The man screamed and cried, but it only lasted for so long before he went limp.

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