16) home sweet home.

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The leaves of the tree rustled above your head as you leaned against Midoriya's back, licking the ice cream cone in your hand.

It would make sense that Izuku's favourite place was at the top of this hill- it was much more cooling than the bustling body heat from everyone down in the city, for some convection-defying reason.

You lifted your hand to offer the ice cream to Midoriya. He took a small bite out of it and returned to his book, flipping the page.

"You didn't go home after we released you a few days back, right? Where did you hide?" Midoriya spoke through a mouthful of ice cream.

"Hung out atop the trees, whenever my dad left the house I went in to take food and shower. I don't want to confront him anymore," you pressed harder against his back.

"What's so interesting about that storybook you're reading anyway?"

His chartreuse hair moved as he turned his head. You could feel his eyes glancing at you, but you tilted you head forward to continue scrolling through your phone, crossing your fingers as you hoped he wouldn't talk about your dad anymore.

"I never said it was a storybook."

This time, you were the one who tilted your head back. You felt his messy hair brush against your cheek, and the constant breeze made it tickle. Unexpectedly, Midoriya turned around and startled you, causing you to fall and crash against his chest. You almost dropped your cone, but his arms snaked under yours and grabbed it, lifting it to your mouth.

You took the ice cream cone from his hands and pouted a little. From the corner of your eye, you noticed his blue book on the grass.

"Izuku, your book," you reached over to pick it up. Izuku gently lifted it from your hands and flipped to the page he was reading.

Except, it wasn't words.

Drawings of heroes flashed across your eyes. Detailed notes all in the familiar handwriting of Izuku was littered all over the pages- the hero costumes, names, and quirks were all annotated in pencil and pen, and even though it was a familiar sight in your textbooks, seeing it against heroes stunned you.

"Whoa," you breathed out as you touched the markings. There were little indentations where the pen markings were, signalling that he must've been pressed the pen onto the paper very hard when he wrote this. Ink smudges towards the right, little crumples and folded parts showed that it had been through a lot.

You flipped it to the cover to read the words "IZUKU'S HERO NOTES #15!!!" in large, cheery handwriting. Though the handwriting was neater towards the back of the book, it was still clear he held the same fiery passion of note-taking as he did before.

Midoriya's right hand left the book to brush your fringe behind your ear. You bit your lip to prevent yourself from making any unnecessary sounds, not wanting to embarass yourself.

"I like your book!" You tried to fill in the silence.

"A lot of them are just redrawn notes before I couldn't read my handwriting anymore," he responded, not knowing what his actions were making you feel.

Just then, the wind blew strongly, sending the pages fluttering. Your hair flew up and you flinched, squinting against the suddenly aggressive wind. A piece of paper slipped out of the book and flew into your face. Before you could react, Midoriya pulled it off and tore it into half.

"Wh-! Izuku!" You protested and took the piece of paper from his hands.

"It's nothing anyway. I can't let anything that injured you get away," he casually placed the pieces on the floor and continued to flip through his book. You felt your heart skip a beat and a small patch of wildflowers sprouted at your side.

Izuku leaned over to pluck it from the ground and placed it behind your ear.

"Izuku, I..." you began.

He didn't move. "Hm?"

"I...!" you felt your heart beat heavily against your chest. Did you really?

But it was going to be awkward if he didn't! How were you going to face him like that? It was basically a sibling or a parent-child relationship, he definitely didn't think that way- what were the risks that you were taking?

You took a deep breath. "I'll confront my dad!"

Ah, damnit. You chickened out at the last moment.

"Is that so?" He placed his book down and rested his chin on the top of your hair.

"You don't sound very convinced."

You gulped. Why was confessing so hard? You even decided to do something that made you so traumatized just to avoid it!

"I... I will! You gave me newfound courage!"



Izuku was frustrated. You clearly wanted to confess something, and deep in his heart he felt like it was going to be a love confession, or something.

But he didn't really know- he was glad you put it off. It was good enough to be able to hold you, but how was he supposed to reply? I like you too? Okay, maybe that was how he felt, but what comes after that? A relationship? No, that's too troublesome. It was weird to hold hands in public and call each other by pet names, and it was weird to tell the villain alliance that too.

"You're murmuring to yourself again, Izuku," a voice woke him up from his thoughts.

"Ah, s-sorry...! Did you need something?"

You smiled at him gently and shook your head.

Izuku looked at you worriedly. "...Just tell me if you need help, okay?"

The moment his hand left your shoulder, he could feel the rest of your energy seeping out along with it- as if his hand just opened a hole in you. Your face instantly lost colour and your eyes just seemed more tired.

"I'll be fine, I've survived almost 8 years with him alone, any murderer is pale in comparison to him," you smiled sadly.

You turned your head to face your house. The aura it was emitting made you immediately feel uneasy, even though it looked exactly the same as the other houses along the street, just a little more crooked than usual.

Izuku leaned down to place his forehead on yours, and your breath hitched.

Right, Tamaki just lived down the road. Your dad was used to you barging out of the door- he wouldn't suspect a single thing. Not at all.

Your hands quivered slightly and you sniffled. You didn't want to go back.

"It's not too late to change your mind," Midoriya picked up on your fear.

"No. I might as well learn to deal with him."

His hand grazed your shoulder gently, then pushed you forward.

"Then go. You'll never be alone."

Just like that, he bounded off, leaving you facing the shell that housed everything that made you crumble.

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