17) unhappiness and rage.

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"You're back."

The atmosphere changed from lighthearted to heavy and choking the moment you opened the door. The faint smell of saké lingered in the air, but you were used to it-

that was what you wanted to think. You still weren't used to it at all.

A chill shot up your spine and you shuddered violently, tugging at your hoodie. How many days were you gone for? Usually he didn't question 1 or 2 days, but if it was more than that you'd be in trouble.

Did you return home during your kidnapping? No. You were gone for weeks.

The gruff voice spoke up again. "Where did you go?"

"I fell asleep and got picked up by some people, and then got lost," you lied through your teeth.

"Oh yeah? What are their names?" A dull thud sounded as he placed his bottle on the table.

You turned to walk up the stairs. "I never asked."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"You don't trust your own daughter?" Your fists clenched so hard your knuckles turned white. You swore you were going to rip your vein or something with how much your skin was stretching.

"With the way you're acting, I might as well have had disowned you."

"I wish I could've been disowned by you," you spat back. Fuck respect, he was pissing you off.

"You little shit-!" The house crackled a little. Dust crumbled from the corners of the walls as his anger was amplified through the plants creeping on the outside of the house.

You rushed forward into your room and closed the door behind you, charging to your bed and curling up under the covers.

Wails sounded throughout the house as the baby raised her hands in the air. A sound of glass smashing against a surface resonated, followed quickly by the slamming of feet rushing down the stairs.

You cried out as he grabbed you by the collar. You weighed nothing in comparison to the amount he lifted everyday, and your arms could barely do anything against him. But with tears in your eyes, you hoped that emotion would make up for that lack of strength.


He looked away, and then and threw the bottle away, shattering it further and slicing his hand. The baby's wails pierced through the wall.

The glass shards bounced off and flew past your arm, scraping it slightly. Your tiny knees shook as you quivered and shook in your socks. His eyes softened.

He lets you go and places his hand on your head. "I'm sorry, (Name). I don't know what's gotten into me."

You shot your eyes open and looked out towards the first rays of light creeping it through your window. You quietly pushed the door open and looked around. It was a sunday, and he often left early in the morning for sundays.

"Good morning."

You startled and your heart stopped for a split second. He was awake?

"The plants reacted slightly without me doing anything. I'm assuming you woke up. Come downstairs."

You kept your mouth shut. That was what you were planning, but now that he said it you didn't want to do so. Silence filled the room as you stayed still.

Heavy footsteps stomped up the stairs. Enraged breathing sounds got louder and louder with every step that sounded throughout the place. Your heart leaped into your mouth and you scrambled into your bed, pulling the covers over your body. The door to your room slammed open and you could feel his presence staring at you.

"Wake up."

You turned over to look at this face.

"Wake up."

The loud wails sounded throughout the house once more. Your hands gripped onto the baby's towel, wrapping your entire body around her. The stench of alcohol entered the room along with him as he roughly hoisted you up.

Your vines weakly slapped at his strong arms as an attempt to push him back, but he only tightened his hold on you.

"What are you doing?" He grabbed your wrist and pulled you off the bed, knocking the wind out of you.

"I'm awake now," you growled and got up, pushing past him. You really thought you would be able to handle at least 24 hours here again, but once you went to someplace better, this place has never felt more suffocating.

Your feet thumped down the stairs and you looked at the same wooden stairs you've been staring at for your life. The ones you never looked up from because you didn't want to see his figure moving about the house as if nothing ever happened.

As if he had never cried crocodile tears in front of the flashing cameras. As if he never laid down forlorn lilies on the coffin made for a child. As if he had never swung the bottle against her head and watched her hit the floor.

"You can fight against the heroes who got your beloved little sister killed- you can join me."

Your eyes flitted up and you almost tripped. Right, you chose to join Midoriya. You yourself told him that you could handle this. Could you?

You expected yourself to be scared of him, but strangely you felt more angry than anything. You were feeling angrier than you ever have felt in years.

"(Name). Don't block the way. Move it."

Short and clear instructions, the way he always operated. He directed his sidekicks the same way, he controlled your life the same way, he convinced the media the same way, too.

"Top the entrance exams and enter U.A., through recommendations as well. I will not tolerate failure."

You snickered under your breath as you remembered that dialogue. Your arms were scarred from the training sessions and your head was pounding from the intensity of the workouts, but you nodded- no, you had to nod. You could never disobey him.

In addition to his plant manipulation, he learned something new, too. Emotional manipulation.

How you fucking despised him. You wanted to punch him- but you couldn't.

That's when you felt a hand reach out and brush against your back, but it wasn't your father's. It felt more... encouraging. More daring. Familiar- the rough, phantom hands of Izuku that you conjured up from your memories.

A surge of rage rushed down your body.

Bloodlust, you wanted to end your father. You wanted to kill him, you wanted to punch him so hard that his body explodes. You wanted to hear his entrails thud against the floor. His eyes filled with fear.

"Don't come near me; they'll make me get you too!"

The old memory of Midoriya crying as he stood among carcasses resurfaced in your mind.

You went near him, and now they've got you.

You raised your hands up, turning your back against him.

"What was the thing Midoriya said again?" You wondered out loud. Hibiscii looked at you, intrigued.

Your hands clenched into a fist and you turned your head to look at your father.

"Plus Ultra, was it?"

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