17.5) extra #2

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Sorry to cut you all off on a cliffhanger, but I'll be releasing the next chapter on April 1st! (Not an April fools joke, fortunately :) I still need to proofread it because it might be an important build up to a secret ;) )

Meanwhile, I hope you'll enjoy this scene that I cut off from a chapter because it felt like a filler! I decided to make it relevant in the main story, but it would mean I'd have to re-edit a chapter and change a lot of things.

Please vote on a chapter if you enjoyed it :)

Also, Deku's design is based off @ hero_shrimp's design on twitter, if you haven't already realized!!

Also, Deku's design is based off @ hero_shrimp's design on twitter, if you haven't already realized!!

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I hope you enjoy the filler-ish story!


"Are you sleepy?"

Midoriya shook his head in response. His eyes were closing in on themselves, but he kept snapping back to reality.

"I am not... sleepy," he stretched and slapped his cheeks in an attempt to wake himself.

Sensei's speech about the attack, though important, had been and is still extremely boring and lengthy. Almost all the villains were tired of hearing the words "we will defeat Yuuei" close to 30 times, and Overhaul had left the room 5 minutes ago when it was clear that Sensei had finished talking about the important points and was just reiterating other less-important points.

"You can sleep on me if you want," you tapped your shoulder. Sensei's voice continued to drone on in the background, and the villains were clearly about to shut off the TV. Tomura was staring in the direction of the remote and his fingers were twitching.

"Tomura, don't. You're going to disintegrate the remote and all of us'll suffer," Twice whispered frantically. Tomura's head snapped back to the TV, and then back to the remote.

You laughed inwardly at the restlessness of the villains. Dabi was staring at a cup of ice that Kurogiri had sat on the table, and Himiko was more interesting in staring at a stain on the floor than paying attention to background noise.

"(Name)...?" Izuku was already on your shoulder, in the zone between half awake and asleep.

"I'm here, Izuku," your voice revealed that you were smiling.

"Lets go... visit my mum together one day... its just at the cemetery around the corner of Tatooin Station... I think..." his eyes were closed as he continued to spew what came to his mind. "She'd love you... she's always wanted a daughter..."

"Mmhmm, I'd love to say hi to her too," you patted his hand gently. You could feel Midoriya's weight on you getting heavier as he began to slip into unconciousness.

"She likes plants... too... We used to grow roses... her favourite flow...ers..."

Just like that, Izuku was sound asleep on your shoulders.

Magne cracked her neck, stretching. "That makes the 'KOed' counter 4!" She gestured to Rappa on the floor, the missing Overhaul, and then to a very clearly frustrated Tomura.

You let out a chuckle, then turned your attention to Midoriya. His mother liked roses, huh. You used to grow roses as a practice to handle your quirk- they were common and pretty enough to not draw suspicion, but their thorns had acted as good defense and protected you from harm.

Finally, the Sensei said his farewells and the audio turned from white noise to silence. The entire room sighed in relief and the heavy atmosphere lightened, and some people had bolted out the room, eager to stretch their legs.

You turned to look at Kurogiri, who was busy cleaning the shotglasses.

"Hey, Kurogiri," you began. The bartender looked up at you.

"Do you mind taking me to where Izuku's mother is?"


You touched the soil gently with your fingers. The name INKO MIDORIYA engraved on the stone made you feel a sinking sadness, even though you barely knew her. Kurogiri stood by silently as he watched you feel the ground.

You reached into your pocket and pulled out a few seeds, closing your eyes and muttering a prayer of respect before planting them into her grave. It took a few moments before buds began to form, and then roses sprouted, lush and red.

"I know this is a lot to ask, but if you have any free time, do you mind dropping by and watering the plants?"

Kurogiri looked at you. He was taken aback by the look in your eyes- something that seemed to show so much respect for a person you haven't even met, like future generations would feel towards All Might as the story told by those who did not know of his current status would spread.

"Just for you, (Name)," Kurogiri hid the smile in his voice. You smiled and lowered your head as you paid your respects silently towards the grave.

Kurogiri followed suit and lowered his head as well, paying respects to the tombstone. He stole a glance to look at you, then back to the tombstone.

Kurogiri muttered quietly under his breath.

"Inko, your son, even though he has strayed far from the path you hoped for him, has found someone great.

May you be at peace."

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