8) warm when huddled

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the weather is comfortable.
The trees were shedding their scarlet red leaves,
and the pavement was covered in warm shades of fire.
It's the perfect weather to...

"Hey, (Name)."

"Hi, Izuku."


Midoriya flung you into his room, slamming the door closed behind him. Your back hit the wall, knocking the breath out of you. Before you could push yourself up, both hands planted themselves into the wall on both sides of you, sending cracks creeping along the wall. His face was so close to yours, and you could almost feel his breath against your lips.

"What. The fuck. Were. You. Doing."

A chill shot down your spine, and you felt your knees buckle. You grabbed onto your shirt as you racked your brain for a good answer, keeping Shinsou's advice at the back of your mind.

"We were ju-just talking!" You whispered out, unable to speak any louder. You couldn't tell Midoriya that Shinsou just shared his private story- that would ruin their friendship, or camaderie, whatever they had.

"Don't lie to me. Why would he lock the door then? You're a fucking liar."

"We were just talking! I-I'm not lying! What do you even think is possible inside there?"

"Talking? About what? How to overthrow me? I know we haven't been on best terms lately, but I can't believe you wouldn't call out for me the moment you knew Tomura wasn't there."

"I did-didn't know! I was so scared that he would hurt me!" Your nose and throat begin to sting and you tilted your head down, trying ro hide the tears that were forming.

"You think i'm weaker than him? He's too dependent on his quirk. It doesn't work if people know what it is, that's why he always has to keep if hidden. I'll win him over easily."

"I... I'm sorry. I'll call for you next time."

He lifted his hands and slammed it against the wall even harder. You heard more cracking noises as his hands buried deeper into the wall. You winced, and bit your lip.

"I asked for what you were doing. Don't change the topic."

You lifted your eyes, which suddenly felt like 50 kilograms. You met his dark green ones, slightly shaking as they stared at you with such intensity.

"Please don't hurt Shinsou."

That was all you could whisper out without crying.

"I don't fucking CARE ABOUT THAT! I want to know what you guys were doing!"

"We weren't doing anything! We were talking about you!"

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!" Midoriya retracted his hand and punched the wall, almost breaking the structure

"I'm NOT!" You yelled back. You grabbed onto his collar and shoved him backwards. Suddenly, rage filled your entire being. Overprotective? This was too fucking much!

"Why the FUCK do YOU CARE? Aren't you all googly-eyes for Uraraka anyway? Aren't you the one who almost killed me just I tried to do a fucking FAVOUR FOR YOU?"

"And what the fuck do you know about her? What, were you best friends with her? Did you meet her as a classmate? Did she extend a hand to help you when she saw you leaning over the bridge like she did to me?" His voice cracked. You shot up to look at him, forgetting that your face was tear-stained.

Midoriya's gaze softened, and he broke away from your eyes.

"Uraraka Ochako... She was so nice... she was so kind to me during that time... but she didn't remember me. She didn't remember the boy she saved from suicide, and I guess I was some kind of weirdo to her. No wonder she blocked me," Midoriya's shoulders began to shake.

Your sudden burst of rage dissipated as quickly as it came, and you looked at the forlorn boy, tears also beginning to form in his eyes.

He laughed, a bitter laugh. "Shinsou told you to be careful of me, didn't he? He said that I would keep you shackled until you get torn apart."


"He told you about my parents, right? That explains how you found me that day. That explains why i'm so damn worthless," he was shaking, crumbling into pieces right before your eyes.

What should you do? You weren't the best at comforting people, at most they'd cry even more. But this was Midoriya, he was different. He's not the same fake friends that left you, he's not the same family that ruined you.

The best course of action was to tell the truth.

You placed your hand against his mouth and pressed your forehead against your hand. His cheeks were so, so soft.

"Midoriya, you're still the boy I saw back then, but you're not. It's okay now, I'm here. I won't leave you, I'll be holding onto your hand wherever you go, my father was trash too, heroes suck." You leaned back, turning to smile at him, not really wanting to cry more.

Midoriya slowly removed your hand from his face.

"(Last name)... The family infamous for starting and spreading the Quirk Marriage idea... Plant Manipulation... A rare yet powerful quirk formed from almost 10 generations of quirk marriages..." You could almost see his thought flashing before his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"You father was a hero... Hibiscii, the plant hero..." Midoriya forced out. He tilted back and both of you went crashing onto the ground, but he took most of the impact, so you were relativrly unharmed.

"He killed my younger sister," you buried your face in his chest. You felt his heart skip a beat. Receiving no response, you took it as your cue to continue talking.

"The heroes in this world are just out there seeking for fame. There's no such thing as a hero doing things for the sake of helping people. All of them want recognition, some way or another. Money, popularity, to be remembered long after their death. You're much better than that," you continued on. Midoriya wrapped his arms around you.

You felt a puckery taste in your mouth as you spoke. "You're the smartest person I've ever known. Even if it wasn't by your own will, you knew how messed up the hero world was. You joined the Villain Alliance instead, and i'm so proud of you, Izuku."

"No one has ever called me Izuku before," Midoriya spoke, sounding dazed.

You pushed yourself up in shock. "Sorry. Do you want me to-"

"No, I like it. Please don't stop," Izuku pulled you down, letting his chin rest against your hair. Despite his tears soaking your head, you laughed softly.

"Sure, Izuku."

Eventually, his breathing quietened. You took it as your cue to sit up, wiping the tears from your cheeks. Midoriya mirrored your actions, and the both of you chuckled together.

"Thank you, (Name).

You're the best thing to have ever happened in my life."

And the both of you sat there for a while, soaking in the peaceful silence of the room.

extreme // villain!midoriya izukuWhere stories live. Discover now