4) we're together.

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A mysterious voice comes bearing a gift of the future to you.

"Hands filled with kindness

come from those you'd least expect,
just like Izuku's."

"You've been doing nothing but reciting haikus about that boy all day, (Name)," Shinsou sighed. He turned his attention back to his book as you busily typed away at your phone.

"Unruly green hair,
Warmth hidden in his cold eyes,
he's Midoriya," you recited, giving a satisfied smile and typing it down once more. Shinsou exchanged glances with Magne, who just shrugged.

"A breathtaking sight,
Midoriya Izuku
he stands in the moonlight."

"That one is 6 syllables," Magne pointed out without hesitation. You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"Standing in the moonlight- ah, thats 6 syllables too..." You furiously hit the backspace.

"In moonlight he stands," Magne offered, and penned down something. You grinned and thanked her, typing it out and turning off your phone, happily skipping off to consult Kurogiri about your newfound haikus.

"Hey Shinsou, how long more before Midoriya decides that he doesn't have to treat (Name) like a baby anymore?" Magne tapped her pen against her head. Shinsou 'mmm'ed, flipping his page.

"Midoriya's forever the mother bird type, once you're under his wing you can never get out. Almost every newbie had to fight for their independence from being Midoriya's 'disciple'," Shinsou flipped his page once more, before flipping back after realizing he absorbed nothing that he had read.

"Ah well, I hope he doesn't get overprotective of (Name)... the only one who tolerates and likes having him dominating, is that like a kink or something?" Magne wrote down what she just said, putting a large circled question mark beside it.

"We've gotten too attached," the two chuckled in unison.


You let your head lazily loll off the side of the pillow, not quite remembering the dream you just had. Again.

The next few days were spent with you being hidden away in Midoriya's room. There was some 'please get out and interact with people' intent beneath a few words, but other than that he was pretty neutral about sharing his room, seeing as you didn't attempt to escape or beat him up.

People entered the room occasionally, All Might would drop in a few words of advice, sometimes Toga would burst in with news and Dabi just communicated with nods and vocal noises, occasionally a few sentences. Midoriya told you he would give you a few days to think about it, but a few days weren't enough for you. You needed a year, maybe two.

"How about I bring you around first?" He suggested. "You've done nothing but loiter in my room like a hikkikomori."

You scratched your cheek in hesitation. Meet the villains? The ones who attempted to kill you just to keep you here? You looked into Midoriya's eyes. His sea-green irises seemingly absorbed you into them, cushioning your fall while wrapping around your throat. The silence suddenly felt suffocating.


Midoriya made a small sound from the back of his throat and looked down, mumbling something like "that was easy" and clipped the collar onto your neck.

He adjusted the collar slightly, and you flinched, biting down on your lip to stop from complaining.

"Sorry, but I wasn't supposed to take this out. Please tolerate rewearing it," he removed his hands and took a step back. His lips parted a little, and you braced yourself.

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