2) you sound familiar.

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A mysterious voice comes bearing a gift of the future to you.

When you opened your eyes, the first sight that greeted you was Kurogiri at the bar, wiping down some of the glass shots. Not really the first thing you wanted to start the day with, but you didn't complain.

"One more, (Name)?" He asked. You drunkenly lifted up your glass as he refilled it with beer. "Midoriya is going to flip if he sees you in this state, you know."

"I don't give a shit," you stated and gulped it down. It tasted like someone took everything inedible, melted it, spat in it and served it to you, but you took it because it helped.

Hands ran down your ribcage and thighs. Incoherent whispers all around as you ran your hands through the messy hair of the person in front of you. You could feel his breath against your lips, you could see the dull shine of his green eyes, his perfect teeth that you ran your tongue along, his-

"(Name)." You let out a small chuckle as you rested your chin against your hand. You didn't need to turn your head to know it was Shinsou.

"Midoriya's coming back in about 10 minutes, you have about that time to pull yourself together," he nodded at you. You swivelled around on the stool and stared at him dead in the eye, before downing the remaining beer.

You slammed the glass down onto the table.

"Watch it, (Name)!" Kurogiri winced, taking the glass from you as he inspected it for cracks.

Seeing nothing, he sighed and put the glass back into your hand, pouring more beer back into it. You closed your eyes and began to feel around.

The most useful part of your quirk- extrasensory.

It was simple, yet effective. Connecting your feet to tree roots and extending them, allowing you to 'see' and 'hear' the outside through vibrations.

"I can feel him running back right now," you chuckled lowly, pushing yourself upright.

Shinsou took his seat beside you and pointed to the vodka on the shelf.

You sighed dreamily. "You know, Izuku could've really toned it down when he told me to stop drinking last time. I mean, beating the shit out of me isn't a very nice way to let me learn my lesson, y'know?"

"And yet here you are, drinking even more," Shinsou sighed and downed his iced beverage. Kurogiri shook his head and turned back to wiping the glass cups. You let your roots probe around the ground, feeling the familiar footsteps chsrge towards the bar.

"Also, Shinsou, you might get hit in the back from the door that Izuku is about to kick in," you stated, before Shinsou was hit in the back from the door that Izuku kicked in.

Midoriya's wide eyes were dulled down to hold a forever-bemused expression which emphasized on the dark crescents under them. The freckles that you always loved to trace your fingers along were barely visible because of the lighting, and his usually messy hair was flipped to one side to show his parting.

"You're drinking again, (Nickname)." He stated calmly, although you were sure he wasn't calm at all. You took a swig and stumbled out of the chair, walking over to him and placing the glass to Izuku's lips. He took the drink and downed it, placing it gently into Kurogiri's hand. Unlike you, Midoriya Izuku was a good drinker and had high alcohol tolerance.

You sneezed twice, before wrapping your arms around Izuku.

"How else am I ever going to get to talk to you? You're avoiding me these days," you slurred, inhaling his scent. He always smelled so sweet, but yet dark, like raw honey.

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