28) the betrayal of trust.

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"Don't move, the chains will make more noise."

"Ugh.. Ow..."

"Just stay quiet."

A silent clink, followed by a muted thud as the chains were quietly lowered to minimize the metallic clanging it would make against the wall. The collar around his neck twisted uncomfortably before it unlocked with a click and slides off. A plastic cap clattered against the floor as Kirishima's head was lifted up, and the rim of the bottle made contact with his lips. He initially made no action to even sip the water, but the moment it made contact with his tongue, he was chugging the rest down.

After emptying the bottle, he looked up, with bleary eyes, at the face of his saviour.

"Wuh..? What are you...?"

"Now's not the time for questions. Get out."

"Wait, I-"

"Kirishima, trust me."

The redhead was shakily helped to his feet, and he carefully stretched, feeling some of his joints pop. The pain was only exacerbated by his numerous injuries, and he winced. His legs feebly carried him to the ajar door, pushing against walls to help support himself. With each step he took, he began to regain feeling in his legs, and grew used to the pain that would shoot through his femurs with each movement.

They quietly navigated the dimly lit corridors of the bar, before reaching the front door. His ally slipped out a key from his pocket and quietly unlocked the door. Kirishima felt the cool night breeze hit his face, before he turned slightly to face his helper.


Kirishima took off into the night, hardened soles pounding against the asphalt roads as he half ran and limped towards the safest place he knew- Yuuei.

His saviour looked at his disappearing figure somewhat sadly, before he heard a creak on the floorboards behind him. He whipped his head around, feeling time slow down as his eyes met the ones fixated on him.

(Name) leaned against the walls of the entrance way, with her arms crossed and Midoriya's jacket draped over her shoulders. She raised one eyebrow at him, and he growled in response.

"Care to explain, Bakugou?"

Bakugou instinctively shifted into a battle stance, his hands in front of him as he hunched over, the balls of his feet ready to take off from the ground. You raised your hand forward and took a similar stance, not quite confident that you would win against him. What made you so sure he wouldn't blast you right there and cause a commotion, after all? You did know him as a hot tempered man.

"You gonna rat me out to loverboy, (Name)?" He sneered, not leaving his stance. You scoffed, blowing a loose strand of hair out of your face.

"You better have a damn good reason for the stunt you pulled," your eyes trailed to the limping figure behind him vanishing behind a collar. Bakugou shifted to block him from your view, and his scowl grew larger.

"I saw the way you looked at him when you were treating his wounds. Don't tell me you didn't feel bad about him being tied there."

"Quit the excuses, Bakugou. I know you're not as soft hearted as I am."

"THINK ABOUT HOW I FEEL!" He raised his voice. You flinched, momentarily turning back to see if his yell had caught the attention of any villains inside. Without hesitation, Bakugou continued, his voice cracking. "I know I'm a goddamn wreck, but he's my friend. How can I sit back while I watch my friend get beaten to a pulp without knowing if he would live to see tomorrow?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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