15) whatever.

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"I kinda don't agree with Sensei's plan."

Midoriya choked on his drink. He coughed lightly and stared at Bakugou, who was swirling the canned soda around. He was always so compliant with orders, even though he never really carried them out, but he still never disagreed nor fought against any demands.

"That's a first."

"And, it's because it puts your little girlfriend in danger," Bakugou shot back. Midoriya lowered his cup. Putting you in danger...? What was he talking about?

"Think about it. (Name) just joined us. Naive, gullible, willing to do anything. Even if we hide her identity, the moment anyone is in danger, she'll jump out and act like, ironically, a hero," Bakugou watched Midoriya put his cup down on the table, thinking hard about what he just said.

Despite his shallow-headedness, Bakugou did have a point. Many may brush off his words as something said on impulse, but Midoriya enjoyed talking to Bakugou because of all the hidden messages hidden just beneath the surface.

Bakugou sighed. "A heroic sacrifice- the last thing you'd want her to do," his hands reached out to pull out chips from the open bag on the table, spilling crumbs out in the process.

There was no way you would do something like that, it was too stupid to even consider. Recklessness just wasn't your thing, it was...

"This is stupid, i'm stupid, i'm impulsive, i'm reckless, i'm stupid, I suck, I..."

He almost jumped up from his seat in the couch. For the first time, he could very clearly see where Bakugou was coming from.

What would he do when he got into trouble? Sure, he could give you orders to stay no matter what, but you're the type to put emotions over logic. If Toga tripped while running, you would probably come crying and asking if she was gonna be okay.

After that, you would promptly be discovered and killed.

"How would you react when she dies? Falling to your knees like in a soap opera, crying your eyes out, 'just kill me!! I can't live without her!!!'" His eyes rolled so far back it was almost as if his irises never existed.

"Let's face it, Deku. I'll even tell Sensei for you- (Name) isn't suited for offensiveness, especially not when you're on the line. We'll keep her back. She can be the lookout, even the littlest slip of her quirk can reveal her."

Midoriya didn't respond.

"Oi, Deku. Fucking answer me."

As if in a trance, he nodded his head slowly, staring blankly into the ripples in his cup. His mind was whirring, trying to piece whatever Bakugou was saying.

If you went for the attack, it would be good experience for you. You'd have something to enjoy. But also you'd risk being exposed, you'd risk... everything. He couldn't lose you. What would he do?

But in the very end... he can't control the choices you make.

Even so, this didn't stop him from worrying. His heart raced and his hand went from the cup to tapping his mouth impatiently. He began to mutter to himself. If you were caught, you'd be killed, sent to jail, tortured for information... expelled from Yuuei...

Not like you liked going to school anyway.

His eyes shot open. You didn't really care about being a hero anymore, did you? If you did, then why did you walk alongside him?

"I'll have to ask (Name) about it later, I guess," he murmured. You, with your smiling face, and your luscious hair, and your twinkling eyes, and your...

"You're fantasizing about her. I see it in your eyes," Bakugou lowered his hand, the sizzling sound dissipating. (Was he about to blast Midoriya!?)

"How would YOU know?" Midoriya retorted, trying to hide the fact he was extremely flustered over getting caught. Bakugou didn't reply, but instead stood up.

"Come on. Let's head back."


The moment he set foot outside of Bakugou's property, vines grabbed him by the feet and hauled him up into the air.


Deku lost his composure and frantically punched the vine, tearing it into half. He did a flip and landed on his feet gracefully, like a cat that always landed on its two feet.

"Tsch, fucking troublesome bitch," Bakugou clicked his tongue and blasted the sprouts heading towards him. He stepped on a vine and nearly tripped, but blasted himself to regain balance.

Midoriya did a jump in the air to avoid the roots crawling towards him. The backpack that held his outfit was restricting him, and he was beginning to debate if he should throw it at once side when a thought struck him. He touched the ground and felt a familiar rumble.

"Back off, (Name), I know your quirk and the tremors. Not cool," he slumped to the ground and let out a sigh. Giving him a heart attack like that... you really were something.

"At least we had fun..." You turned the corner and looked at the two. Deku's heart skipped a beat. Huh? Was he always like that? His hands quivered. He never felt wobbly in your presence before.

His jacket was wrapped around your shoulders and draped all the way to the back of your knees. He was so confident at calling you out, but with your sudden appearance, he was reduced to just a sad lump of meat mixed with emotions.

"I-I'm, I'm not," his face heated up as he recounted what happened earlier. Bakugou let out a groan and massaged his temples.

"Fuckin' hell, you're like a goddamn 13 year old," he whispered into Midoriya's ear. Midoriya elbowed him back at an incredible speed that Bakugou flinched and almost fell.

Midoriya let out a smile. "Kurogiri really gave you the strong stuff. You knocked yourself out after the 5th drink!"

"I can't believe you're a weakling, (Name)," Bakugou snickered. Midoriya stepped on his foot, shot Bakugou a murderous glare and then directed the glare at you. Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's shoulder and his palms began to spark, preparing himself to blow up his friend.

"Yeah. It was utter chaos, you're horrible at handling alcohol. That's why I told you to back off from it," Izuku brushed off Bakugou's hand and scowled at you. A little pang shot through your heart and your gaze lowered.

"S..Sorry..." Whatever facade you had on earlier dropped. Midoriya's gaze softened.

"Don't do it again, (Name). I do this because I care for you," Izuku sighed and placed a hand on your head, but the gesture this time was more caring.

Bakugou gagged quietly. "If you two want to get it on, don't do it in front of me and the house I live in."

The events from earlier played out in Izuku's mind and he felt blood rush to his head. His face turned red and he heard his heart in his ears.

"Wha-What? Izuku, your face is... really red," you gently pinched his cheek. Flustered, Midoriya smacked your hand away and hid his nose and mouth behind his hand. Bakugou rolled his eyes and smacked his forehead with his palm.

"No matter how cool you act, you're still beyond saving," he groaned and shoved his hand in his pocket, stomping off.

You pulled down Midoriya's hands to reveal his embarassed look. What got him so worked up like this? Your thumbs brushed against the back of his hand and you smiled. Whatever.

He was still your friend anyway.

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