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"So, creative writing..." I stare at the place where Jennie used to sit over a week ago and shake my head, "It's directly connected to what you want to express to others."

"What if I want to express anger?" Jennie walks through the door "No anger, hate and the mixed feeling of being betrayed." I hear the chorus of "oooooh's" from the rest of the class and I swallow hard.

"Feelings like that are difficult to deal with, especially when there's a misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up." We were staring at each other and she opens a really threatening smile.

"So, my dear colleagues, let's take a vote on the following story that I will tell you now."

"Nini." I read the movement of Irene's lips at the same time she puts her hand on Jennie's shoulder "Don't do that."

"You meet someone and fall in love" Jennie stands up and everyone looks at her "And you believe that this person is in love with you too, but then you find out that this same person was sleeping with your best friend." She turns to face me "So, who thinks it's betrayal, raise your hand." most of the students do what she says "And who thinks it wasn't?" few students raise their hands.

"And who does not agree with any of the options, why?"

"It was betrayal if the person knew the other two were best friends, but if the person didn't know, it wasn't betrayal. I think this is something that totally changes the way you look at things."

"What if the person was sleeping with someone else, even dating you?" Jennie practically growls at this student.

"It depends too. Was it dating, something exclusive? Or were they just taking things with no strings attached?" he hits and the bell rings.

"Think about what creative writing means and write about it." I rub my forehead and rest my hands under the table while I wait for the turmoil to subside.

"Nini, don't do this." I hear Irene's voice and look up to see Jennie standing in front of me with the change class request form.

"What does that mean?" I ignore the paper and stare at her.

"Don't waste my time. I can't stand being around you." she practically spits out the words.

"I won't let you change classes, Jennie. Not until you talk to me and hear everything I have to say." I grab her wrist "Seulrene, close the door when you leave."

"Let me go! I told you not to touch me!" she changes her voice and I let her go when the girls close the door. "I won't believe any more lies than coming out of your mouth."

"I never lied to you!"

"So what did you do?"

"I didn't know I had to tell you every step I took!"

"You were sleeping with Lisa and hanging out with me!"

"I DIDN'T KNOW YOU TWO WERE FRIENDS!" I approach her "Every time I went to your apartment, I never bothered to notice the details of the decoration."

"What? How many times have you been there to sleep with Lisa?" her face is so red.

"Sometimes." sigh "But that doesn't matter, Jennie, I only knew that you knew each other that night."

"And continued with the flirtations and intimacy even after knowing that she was with Rosé!"

"That's a lie! I always respected their relationship."

"Oh, of course. As if I didn't know Lisa was torn between getting back together with Rosé and continuing to have wonderful sex with you." She rolls her eyes.

"I only started hanging out with Lisa because I was running away from thinking about you and it worked, until she came back with Chaeng."

"You what?" She looks at me with such surprise.

"You haunted my thoughts before I even tried anything, I knew you watched me, but I always watched you too." I pass the hand on my face "Since the first day I saw you, something about you caught my attention, but I knew I couldn't think about you because you're my student!"

"And your solution was to run to Lisa's bed?" she feigns surprise "I'm shocked at how Kim Jisoo solves her love problems." Jennie's cynical tone makes me take a deep breath.

"What did you want me to do? It's my job! There are some rules of conduct I need to follow."

"How am I going to stay with you, knowing that you slept with my best friend?" she says after a few minutes.

"My past doesn't matter, Jennie, what matters is how I feel about you now." I say softly and put my hands on her face.

"I don't trust you, Jisoo. I've never felt so cheated and made a fool of myself as I do now." she pushes me.

"I never played with you, never! I've never fallen so fast for someone as I fall for you."

"Seulgi had said that you don't fall in love, everything is fun with you. You did this to Lisa, who can guarantee you're not doing the same to me?"

"Ask Lisa if I ever said I was in love with her. I never did for anyone everything I did for you, Jennie!"

"Would you never tell me?"

"I was going to tell you that night. It was what I had planned, telling you about it and declaring myself."

"Why were you comforting Lisa in that intimate and protective way?"

"I was being friendly with her! She told me that there was no one who could talk about the problem with Chaeng and I offered to help."

"Meanwhile, I could only think about you. I thought about you all the time and you were rolling with Lisa" she shakes her head in denial "Those scratches in your abs, she did it, didn't she? And you lied saying it was the closet. Only if it's the closet you two were fucking in there!"

"I didn't lie, but maybe I didn't explain the whole context of the situation to you." I swallow dry.

"For God, you're more of a bitch than I thought." she starts walking towards the door.

"Jennie" I pull her by the arm "What can I do to prove to you what I feel?" My heart is pounding so hard when I stare into those angry feline eyes.

"Quit your resignation and leave me alone. Every time I see you, I'll remember all this and you have no idea how it makes me hate you" she pulls her arm free of my hand "Want to prove you like me? Resign and make life easier for both of us."

Small World - JENSOO x LISOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now