"I'm scared"

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I couldn't help but smile as we were on the trip back to Borstal, even though something unexpected had happened. The vehicle remained parked behind Borstal, where we had exited. He turned off the car engine, and we got out of the car and entered the gate.

We caught Emmet asleep on a nearby bench in the prince's private chamber.

Lincoln chuckled. "This loafer." He brought his face up to Emmet. He patted Emmet's brow. So, it awoke.

"What the..."

"Loafer, wake up!"

"Jeez!" he screamed as he shoved Lincoln. "Lincoln! Darn you! You can wake me up without putting your face into mine."

"I told you to keep an eye on the prince and not fall asleep."

"You think I'll just stand there staring at him all day?" Emmet gets up. "How was your trip?"

"It was fun," I replied.

"Good, my time spent watching after the prince should not be wasted."

"As though you did something, all you did was sleep the entire time. Are you certain the prince is still there? You might not have realized he had gotten away."

"Then you should be the one who keeps an eye on him," Emmet grumbled.

"Hey," I said, turning my gaze to both of them. "T-thank you very much. Since I left the house, I hadn't stopped worrying about them. It thrilled me when I saw Allerick and Blythe again. I'm relieved to know they're all okay. I appreciate your help. Thank you very much!" I smiled warmly at them.

"I'll appreciate it much more if you don't bother me the next time."

"OK!" I gave him a thumbs up as a gesture of approval.


Emmet let out a deep sigh. "Back to class!"

"All right, I'll go first. Good luck with your class!" I embraced Lincoln as he was about to go. "G-Gemma"

"I'll see you after your suspension."


When I let go of him, the prince came out of the room, walked straight to the elevator as if he had witnessed nothing. While waving to Lincoln, I followed the prince.

There's something odd about the prince. He appears to be far away from me now, though we are only a few meters apart. That started when I mentioned Raeanna was leaving. His body was functioning, but his mind was still spinning around Raeanna. I sped up my pace to get closer to him.

"Are you okay, P-Prince?" I tried to take his hand in mine, but he quickly resisted.

I left him in his world, but I couldn't take my gaze away from him. A portion of my heart feels guilty because I am happy while he is still like that. He's still drowning in sadness.

During the class, the trumpet blew, indicating that the king had arrived. We all rose to our feet. There was complete silence. The approaching footsteps were audible to us. The royal guards were the first to enter the room, and then the king. We all lowered our heads in honor of the king. The two royal guards approached the prince, and without hesitation, he joined them.

"What is going on?" Emmet asked incredulously while still bowing.

"I don't know."

"You're the princess's guardian; how could you not know?"

"Just because I'm his assistant doesn't mean I know everything." When the king called out my name, the two of us quit chatting. "Yes? I mean, your Majesty."

"You, too, should follow me."

"Yes, your Majesty."

As I got closer to the king, they all glanced at me. As well as the kids in the next room we passed by were staring. When we arrived at the exit, there were two vehicles parked.

"Gemma, you go with Danial, go straight to the palace, and rest. I'll bring the prince with me." King Lucien stated.

"Yes, your Majesty." Prince and I exchanged a glance before he stepped inside the vehicle. Why do his eyes seem to plead with me, as though he wants me to stop them?

When I yelled out, "P-prince!" the vehicle started.

"After you, Miss Gemma."

I went directly to Chef Och in the kitchen. He was cooking when I caught him. "Oh, Gemma, just a second, I'm nearly done."

"Do you have any idea where King Lucien and Prince Augustus are going?"

"Hmm..." he pondered for a minute but didn't respond because he had no idea where they were headed.

Mr. Osiris popped into my head all of a sudden. "Chef, can I get Mr. Osiris' phone number, please?"

"Osiris?" He repeated. He took his phone from his apron pocket. "What for? Why do you need his phone number?"

"I'm worried about the prince."

He showed me Mr. Osiris' phone number, which I copied on my phone. "He's with King Lucien. You don't have to be worried; all you need to do now is rest. Make up for the days you were tired of keeping an eye on him." He placed the phone back in his pocket after I copied the number. "Sit down first. I'm done cooking."

He pointed to the table in the center of the kitchen. "Thank you."

Instead, I ask Mr. Osiris where they're heading. I asked him for the prince's phone number.

To: Mr. Osiris

It's me, Gemma, Mr. Osiris. I got your phone number from Chef Och. I'm not supposed to ask, but could you please give me the prince's phone number? Sorry for the inconvenience. I only need his phone number.

Mr. Osiris:

+6390 ******** Take a rest, Gemma, and don't worry about the prince; I'll look after him first.

To: Mr. Osiris

Thank you so much, Mr. Osiris.

When Chef Och placed the food he had just cooked, he put my phone away. After finishing the food he had made, I hurried upstairs to my bedroom, tossed the bag on the bed as I sat on the floor, and leaned against the bed's side.

"Okay..." I dialed the number that was given to me.

"090... should I call him?" I took a deep breath. "How come I can't be calm just because of his eyes?" I had second thoughts at first, but I ended up calling him.

I turned up the volume on the phone. The phone rang till Prince Augustus answered it.

"H-hello... P-Prince Augustus? Ah... I g-got your phone number from Mr. Osiris."

I heard nothing; he didn't respond. He wasn't saying anything, but I knew he was listening, so I kept talking.

"It's OK. Even if you don't respond, I just want to know whether you're okay. The truth is, I'm worried about where you are right now, but because I know Mr. Osiris is with you, I think you'll be OK. Alright, I'll stop bothering you now." I took a pause. "Goodbye, Prince Augustus."

I was ready to hang up when he spoke up and said those two words.

"I'm scared..."


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