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I ascended to the top of the palace, where there was a breathtaking view. The lights from each building can be seen from the top, making the night even more unforgettable. I lingered for a bit and felt drowsy. I kept looking up at the sky till my eyes eventually closed.

The light awakened me illuminated half of my face, covering one eye with a hand. I was astonished as to why I was up here, not until I remembered that I had fallen asleep here.

"You're finally awake."

I was shocked after I saw Prince Emmanuel sitting next to me. In a panic, I stood up and repeatedly bowed to him. I'm not sure why I kept lowering my head to him; then he chuckled at me all of a sudden, so I guess he's no longer upset. "You're at it again."

I came to a halt. "I'm sorry."

"I made you breakfast while you slept; go ahead and eat." Prince Emmanuel said pointing out the table that was in front of me.

It extremely embarrassed me since the breakfast table was already in front of me. This is embarrassing! What I did was so embarrassing; I slept here, then he saw me and even made me breakfast. "P-prince Emmanuel, you don't have to do this anymore." I shook my head.

"Refusing food is bad."

"I'm just going to grab my own meal," I stated.

"If you're worried about whether that meal is for me, no. I had just finished my breakfast. I made that just for you, so go ahead and eat it."

I didn't say anything else; instead, I ate since my stomach growled even while asleep.

"Are you that exhausted that you've slept off here?" He asked.

"No," I said, laughing. I had no intention of sleeping here; I was staring at the stars and did not even realize I was already asleep. What about you, Prince Emmanuel? Are you still mad?"

He hesitated for a brief period before continuing. "Yes, I'm upset with myself, but not at you, Gemma. It's all my fault that Cynfael acted in such a manner. I spoiled him that much to the point that he believed hurting people was nothing. He exacts vengeance on others for the sin of one; it's his way of making the wrongdoer feel guilty, especially if that person is a part of his life... And I apologize for that, Gemma." He cast a peek at me. "He traumatizes your life in the palace."

"No, my life outside the palace has been more traumatic," I added. The false accusation leveled against my father, the media, Amarillo University, and its students. Those individuals added to my anguish. To be honest; the castle makes me feel at peace unless I'm with Prince Augustus, who has caused me a lot of misery. But, when you think about it, Prince Augustus and I have something in common: we both want something we've lost back; we just have different ways of getting it back. That's why I understand him in certain ways.

"You are different. I don't know why Cynfael didn't see how unique you were. I mean, no matter how many times he hurts you, you still support him, and no matter how many times he speaks negatively about you, you can still laugh in front of him. If Cynfael were like you, my head wouldn't hurt like this. Uncle Edward raised you right."

"Wait a minute..." When he spoke my father's name, I put down my spoon in surprise. "You know, papa?"

"Well, I didn't see him personally, but I know his name, so maybe, yeah, I know him."

"Did the king mention my father to you?" I asked.

"He didn't, but I've always known that name since I was young, and I only found out recently that he was your father."

Prince Emmanuel knows who my father is, and I'm guessing he knows what I'm doing here... I didn't care anymore since I knew they'd find out eventually.

The weekend is here!!! Weekends are my favorite, it feels I can breathe freely. This is the day I enjoy the most; aside from not having school, I'm not going to waste my time watching over the prince. I hope no one disturbs me too early. And then there came a knock on the door, exactly as I had mentioned that I didn't want anyone to wake me up. I knew it was Mr. Osiris as soon as I heard the knocking.

"The king sincerely apologizes for waking you up so early." Mr. Osiris started. "Gemma, the king, and the prince are going to an important ceremony, and you must accompany them."

I still wanted to dream, but King Lucien needed my help once more. After going to the bathroom as well as preparing myself. As I descend, the King and Prince are already outside. "So, my guess is right; we were waiting for her. I told you I wouldn't go if that woman is with us. " Prince Augustus pointed straight at me.

"Not now, Cynfael; she'll be joining us whether you like it or not." King Lucien said.

"I'm easy to talk to," Prince Augustus said as he went in.

"Where are you going, Cynfael?" King Lucien asked.

Then Prince Augustus came to a halt. "I told you I wasn't going with her."

"You're doing it again, behaving like a child. I'm not taking Gemma with me to keep an eye on you; I'm taking her since I have something important to ask her to do." King Lucien explained.

"You get to choose whether he or I go with you."

"You!" exclaims the king, taking a long breath. "I'm sorry for bothering you again, Gemma; please return to your room and rest." King expressed regret.

"No worries, your Majesty." This is the second time something like this has occurred. Well, it's in my favor, anyway. At least I can go back to sleep, but it's still a waste of my time to pick out clothing.

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