His revenge

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"Prince! Please, Prince Emmanuel, pay attention to what I have to say. Stop telling the king about the prince playing football; you're just upset at him right now, and that will be gone tomorrow." I begged him as we walked alongside. "Aren't you sorry for him?"

"Sorry? Did he feel sorry for you when he did this to you? And I'm not upset; I'm furious at his brutality. I'm sorry, but even if you stop me, I'm going, to tell the truth to the king."

I thought I could beg him, but he didn't listen to whatever I said. The king eventually discovered how Prince Augustus played football. I didn't expect Prince Emmanuel to be so upset; now I'm the reason the prince has lost part of his joy. The king summoned both Prince Augustus and me; while Prince Emmanuel remained standing.

I saw how severely the king punched Prince Augustus. "I've known for a long time that you play football." King Lucien glared at the prince. "I'm the king. I can't remain unaware of your secret."

"You already knew, so WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP ME?!" Prince Augustus said aloud.

"Because I believed that would make you change, but it didn't. Cynfael, I'm very disappointed in you." King Lucien gasped in disappointment.

"Don't call me Cynfael!" Prince Augustus slammed the desk between him and the king.

"SHUT UP, CYNFAEL! I warned you about the consequences of trying to hurt Gemma." He pointed to the prince's chest. "This is the last time, Cynfael; you can no longer play football."

"Do you honestly believe you can forbid me from playing football?"

"Yes!" King Lucien replied instantly.

"Football is my passion. Once you take it away from me, it's as though you killed me."

"Why would you rather play meaningless football than learn how to govern our country?"

"Because no matter how many times you insist on placing me on the throne, if I don't want to, nothing will happen." Prince Augustus' eyes seemed to smoke because of the anger.

"If you don't listen, I'll find a way for you to quit playing."

"How? You'll order them to kick me off the team, or you'll prohibit everyone from playing soccer."

"If that's what it takes." King Lucien said as he seated himself in the armchair.

"All right then, do it; since it always makes you happy." Prince Augustus responded before finally walking out of the office.

Prince Augustus will be tortured to excruciating pain once more. Now the king is attempting to deprive him of his only pleasure. I'm sure it will be tough for him if he loses his position in the team or if the king bans football. With the remorse I felt over Prince Cynfael, I didn't know how to cope with him anymore. Then Prince Emmanuel beat him, and now the king has threatened to ban football.

Following the argument, the king's threats came true. It forced Borstal to kick the prince off the team. That's when the prince worsened. He began to torment me mercilessly, and although he did not physically harm me, he instead did it by issuing a series of commands to me.

Mr. Osiris instructs Chief Och to teach this lady how to cook because she will cook for me beginning today." Prince Augustus commanded.

What he said made my eyes almost widen. Is this his revenge for what I did last time? Why? I mean, I don't know how to cook. What if the prince doesn't like it? He'll be very angry?

"Prince, it's chef Och's responsibility, so Gemma no longer has to learn." Mr. Osiris explained.

"Mr. Osiris, she's my maid; isn't it a maid's responsibility to serve her master?" Prince Augustus remarked sarcastically.


"Just take her to Chief Och, Mr. Osiris."

I had no choice except to do what he ordered. Mr. Osiris brought me into the kitchen. I can't even pronounce the names of the foods chef Och prepares, nor can I make them. Chief Och has already begun instructing me. It was difficult for me to cook since it was my first time, but it was an enjoyable experience because I learned and Chief Och and Mr. Osiris supported me.

"Done," I said, in excitement.

They had a taste of both of my meals. "Hmm? You did an excellent job as a first-time cook." Chef Och praised me.

I laughed. "You don't have to lie, chef; I know how awful it tastes."

"No, Gemma, what chief Och said is true; it's delicious." Mr. Osiris added.

"Of course, Chief Och was an excellent teacher." I started bragging about how excellent the chef was.

"All right, let the prince try the meal you've prepared." Chief Och said.

"Let me carry this to him." Mr. Osiris tried to take the tray I was carrying. However, I stopped him.

"I'll take it, Mr. Osiris," I said.

"Are you certain?" Mr. Osiris queried.

"Yes," I said, nodding.I know Mr. Osiris is concerned that Prince Augustus would just toss it away, and I am as well, but it's okay if I bring it to him myself. I ascended slowly so that I wouldn't spill the meal. Before knocking on his door, I took a deep breath. As he opened the door, I was nervous. "Here's your request."

The Prince took the tray and shut the door. I was ready to go when he shouted my name, so I returned to him. Handed me his filthy football shirt. "I need it by tomorrow, so hurry, and I shouldn't notice any more dirt." He stated.

Football jersey? Isn't he banned from competing? Perhaps he disregarded the king's order again.

I haven't been able to rest yet, but that's alright; I prepared the meal and can even wash the soiled cloth. Many maids did the laundry as I walked to the laundry room. They all turned to stare at me when I arrived.

"May I do the laundry?" I asked.

A maid came over. "Let me wash that for you." She stated, trying to take the prince's shirt.

"No," I said, shaking my head."I can wash it; it's only a pair of clothing."

"I'll just mix it in with other clothes."

"It's okay. It's my responsibility as well." I grinned at her.

The maids showed me how to wash the laundry, but the shirt was still dirty in the end. They said that because the dirt adheres so tightly, you must clean it manually, which means rubbing it with your hand.

"I told you we'd do the washing," Brenda stated.

"I also told you I could handle it; you're already doing a lot, and I don't want to add to your burden."

I can't deny that doing laundry is difficult, especially when it's as nasty as Prince's football shirt, but I did it, and with the help of the maids, I got Prince's shirt back to its original look. I couldn't wait to go back to Prince's room and see his reaction.

"Exactly as you stated, very clean." I gave a confident smile.

After taking the shirt, Prince Augustus abruptly slammed the door shut. I'm confident he won't ask me to do anything else now. All I want to do is lie in bed and sleep.

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