Love and missunderstandings

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For reference lol- just keep reading you'll understand in a minute hahaha

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For reference lol- just keep reading you'll understand in a minute hahaha

Stone was the first one to burst into loud , hysterical laughter as the couple of the hour finally walked through the door

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Stone was the first one to burst into loud , hysterical laughter as the couple of the hour finally walked through the door .

They had decided to wait up for Eddie and Violet knowing that they had decided to go to one of Violets  friends wild Halloween parties this year , even though it wasn't Halloween for another week.

Stone had heard her plead and beg for Eddie to come with her after his multiple refusals , Eddie's reasonings being that he didn't like her loud mouth , arrogant rockstar friends .

He hasn't wanted to be stuck in the corner dressed like a moron for the whole night while his confident , social butterfly of a girlfriend flittered around everyone happily .

They often wondered how Eddie had managed to hold a relationship with the heavy metal princess for so long .

They were almost opposites in their personalities , the only thing they had in common was their love of poetry and their famous bands.

Violet was loud , aggressive and didn't take any shit from anybody.

Oftently she was pictured violently attacking the paparazzi for following her around and the long trail of broken hearted ex boyfriend she left in her wake had made Eddie uneasy at first .

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