Nothing else matters

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- this ones sappy as fuck dudes. Maybe a little bit sad . 10,000 words. Some cuteness. Enjoy xoxo

                      JAMES HETFIELD

                      JAMES HETFIELD

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James let out a long string of profanities as he glared past the window shield and into the dark night in pure frustration

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James let out a long string of profanities as he glared past the window shield and into the dark night in pure frustration. Not recognising any of the run down buildings or the street ahead. So far he had been around the block more than two times . He had taken a left , he had taken a right . Hell, at one point he had even reversed backwards!

And yet he was still so fucking lost that he had begun to lose hope of ever getting home in one piece . Eyeing the sketchy , run down liquor store and the group or shadowed people hanging around the end of the street warily .

He could see them occasionally taking glances at his new shiny car . Suddenly regretting driving out that night at all. If they robbed him... well , there wasn't much he could do about it was there? He wasn't the type of idiot that carried a gun. He didn't have a knife or crowbar or anything that could be used as a weapon of any sort .

All he had was a old bottle opener keyring In his pocket . Cursing himself for ever taking out his trusty metal bat from the boot in the first place. But when he had needed to take his new car for a service test , he didn't want the workers there to think he was some paranoid wreck who couldn't handle himself without a bat .

He felt like a fucking idiot now. One or two people he could take . A whole group of them however? Even he wasn't that fucking cocky to think that he would win that one .

Letting out a long sigh of defeat , he prepared to drive off around the corner again in hopes of somehow recognising  a familiar road or street ahead. Just wanting to get home and have a beer or two, to cuddle up with his dog Batman and go to sleep.

But as one of the smaller of figures pulled away from the group lingering at the corner of the street , he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be so easy.

Squinting his eyes into the dark, unable to see their face or If there was any type of weapon in their hands as they slowly walked over to the car . There was only one street light up ahead and it looked like it had needed it's bulb change maybe thirty years ago, flickering in and out and making him unable to see anything .

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