Hate everyone but you , i do

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Listen to the song satellite while reading ! I was listening to it while writing this and I love it so much lol. Does anybody else love the pistols as much as I do? There's not much written about them is there? Shame!:)


                       JOHNNY ROTTEN

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John stared blankly back at the tall , blue haired punk standing in his living room blankly , pursing his lips as he tried to get his head around what he had just been told .

Hands pressed to his hips and feeling a little to much like mother as he looked around the flat that he and his girlfriend Cherrie lived in together .

Last night had been no different from any other as far as he had been concerned , cherrie had been her usual bat shit crazy as she screamed at him for not knowing which front cover of a magazine she was on now.

Apparently he was a rotten asshole for not being as excited as she was for landing the front cover of vogue , and don't get him wrong he was proud of her , he had always known that she was a fuckin beauty who would go places with her looks but he has found it very hard to share her enthusiasm .

He had been busy in the recording studio and playing 'undercover' gigs left right and centre as their band slowly gained fame from the freaks and abnormalities of society .

It had just happened to slip his mind that Friday was the day that her vogue cover came out onto the stands and when he arrived home at two o'clock in the morning he had been faced with a red faced , livid girlfriend glaring back at him as she pointedly looked to the clock on the wall , her magazine in clenched tightly in her hands.

He had completely forgotten that they were supposed to celebrate it together and had instead hurried off to a last minute gig at some dark and
grudged up pub on the other side of London.

But they had argued for a while and John was more than used to her screaming fits and the occasional plate and heel being thrown at him in the process.

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