everybody needs somebody

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                                                       CURRENT AGE AXL ROSE

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axl smiled in amusement as tommy began to rattle on and on to him about how fucking awful the press had been this tour , constantly hounding them and ripping them to shreds . 

he could one hundred percent understand why they were all so frustrated and angry , hell , he had been harassed and antagonised by those fuckers for the past thirty or so years of his life .

he knew exactly how they felt . 

it seemed that the reporters had only gotten worse with time too, now you had the internet thrown into the mix and pictures and videos being shared around , whether they were bad or good , alongside a billion unwanted thoughts and opinions being shared. 

it was a fucking hell hole and he unfortunately didn't think it was ever going to change either.

"I mean I had a fucking smoke outside a club last week and next thing you know I'm being hounded about how its bad for my health and then being accused of smoking something other than tobacco!" tommy scoffed annoyed , shaking his head with a huff as he leant against the wall behind him and looked over at one of his long-time  idols , still not fully believing that he was talking to the axl rose like a friend would  .

"I really don't know how you put up with all this shit for so long man , some days I just want to wring there fuckin necks!" he exclaimed looking at him with wide eyes .

axl could only chuckle and grin

"that's it , I didn't and still don't . do you know how many times I've been sued? the courthouse is like a cold second home to me kid ." he joked gaining an incredulous laugh from the drummer . 

and axl couldn't believe just how chill this new band were . he wasn't one for all the new bands , so artificial and damn right pathetic with there fakeness and rehearsed grins . 

but this one ... hellkat , he had admittedly became a fan of ever since he heard them cover one of his own songs on the radio while he was driving home . 

they were good , well , more than good but he still thought that he was the best but they were coming in his top five for sure . 

the most surprising thing being that there lead singer wasn't a man at all , it was a girl who sang with the power and rage of a man , spitting , growling and whining her way through each beautiful and dangerously written words .

they were gold and a rare find to the man . 

he had run ins with most of the members of hellkat before , whether it be at party's or some event that was being held at but the only one he hadn't met yet was Goldie star  , the singer of the band . 

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