made of gold

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                                                                        CHRIS CORNELL

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Chris laughed loudly as he stared up at Goldie who was casually sat upon the highest scaffolding next to the stage , having climbed it when his back was turned.

he snorted as she waved down at him childishly , the sun highlighting her in a godly shade that made his heart race.

"don't move!" he shouted up to her with a laugh as she saluted him before running over to his rucksack and digging around until he found his camera.

running back over to her he watched as she swung her legs back and forth , her long golden hair swaying gently in the breeze.

"say cheese princess!" he called up to her with a smile as he aimed the camera towards her , Goldie sticking up her finger at him with a grin .

pulling out the polaroid he chuckled to himself before taking another one and putting it back away safely in his bag.

"are you comfy up there goldie?" he shouted amused as she sang to herself loudly , away with her mind like usual.

at the sound of his face she looked down at him , squinting through the sun .

"I am!" she confirmed with a giggle

"I might just perform up here tonight." she hold half serious as she looked up to the sky .

chris hummed as he walked over to the scaffolding and hooked his feet on it before pulling himself up , hearing goldie snicker as he almost missed the pole.

"be careful you idiot!" she exclaimed laughing as she bent her head down to watch him climb up , seeing her bandmates shake there head at them as they passed.

"fuck." he breathed out a breath of relief as he finally made it to the top and hauled himself alongside her out of breath .

"I didn't realise it was this high up." he commented truthfully as he looked down at the people below them that looked like ants .

"right?" she laughed kicking her feet around freely "it's awesome man!" she exclaimed happily.

Christ laughed loudly as he tuned his head to look at her , reminding himself to breathe as she smiled at him .

nine months of dating and he didn't think he would ever get used to how beautiful she was , how did he get so lucky ?

the two had met at a show of his and chris had immediately recognised her backstage considering he was a fan of her band.

he had gaped at her for a good few minutes , admiring her long curly hair and contagious laugh before she introduced herself.

he had almost had a heart attack when she suggested that they tour together considering her band was a lot bigger than his , she was a fucking rockstar compared to him .

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