just a little patience

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                                                                         AXL ROSE

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duff frowned to himself as he watched angel laugh loudly , her giggles filling the air as axl spun her around on his shoulder with an equally happy grin on his face . 

it was the only time the singer was ever truly happy , when he was with his girlfriend and it was only now registering what he was truly witnessing in front of him.

he understood that they were friends long before he even came into the picture , that was how he met her after all . he had been okay with how close they were , they did everything together and just seemed to understand one another in ways that others just couldn't . 

and that was okay . at the end of the day she had chosen him , she loved him and he was the one she went home with at the end of the night .

so why did it hurt so much to watch the grin grow on her face , her eyes lighting up whenever axl walked into the room?

did she ever look like that when he was there? did she ever gush over him like she did with axl? he didn't think so , she had gone days on end without contact with him , worrying him to the end of the earth . 

only for him to find out that axl had took her away on some weekend holiday , or to the beach , to the park and even back to her hometown . all without him . 

the two of them were closer than he was to his own girlfriend and he was starting to wonder if her feelings were even true .

he was starting to question everything . but those were his friends , hell , axl was his bandmate . they would never betray him like that ... right?

angel smiled softly as axl dramatically laid his body over her own , groaning as he kicked the door shut with his foot . 

the whole band had decided to take a few days off and rent a small beach house so they could relax and have some time away from there busy lives for once .

"I think I have sand in places that I shouldn't have sand." he mumbled with a huff , turning over so his head was resting on her chest , his arm thrown over her waist as he carefully intertwined his legs with hers . 

angel grinned and placed her arm over his shoulder, letting her fingers brush through his messy hair feeling him relax against her as she traced her nails down his arm gently with her other hand . 

"you shouldn't have been rolling in it then you doofus . " she laughed rolling her eyes

"I placed a towel  down for you to lay on but you didn't bloody listen did you? oh no , mister I'm too manly to sit on a pink towel decided to lay on the itchy sand instead ." she mocked him playfully , laughing harder as he pinched her hip in return . 

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