haha bitch!

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                                                                      DAVE MUSTAINE

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Clara smiled over at Dave as she strapped her guitar back onto her body , sweat dripping down her face as she tried to catch back her breath .

clara and her band 'the witches' had been touring with megadeth for the last couple of weeks and so far everything had been going smoothly.

I mean who better than to tour with than your own boyfriend?

"you ready?" dave asked her as he walked over to her , his hands holding onto his guitar loosely as he looked down at her with a grin .

nodding she only stuck her tongue out at him cheekily before taking to her side of the stage and beginning the start of there song.

they were over half way into there show and the crowd was going crazy , it had got to have been one of the more rowdy venues they had played recently.

clara had heard a few insults hurled in her direction by drunk assholes but she easily ignored them not letting it bother her.

people either loved her or hated her , it didn't bother her either way. 

but it was one particular shout from the audience that made dave snap his head towards the man , a frown taking over his features.

"bitch!" someone shouted loudly followed by a chorus of laughing.

clara could only watch as dave stopped playing his guitar abruptly as he looked over to the man that had shouted at her.

"you wanna call my girlfriend a bitch motherfucker?" he spat annoyed at the disrespect they were showing her .

"you know it's people that you that make people like me fucking hate your guts." he told the man simply as he glared him down , disgust on his face.

"what did she do to you huh?" he questioned as he pulled a face motioning towards clara with his hands .

dave watched the fucker smirked and nudge his friends like a child and he felt his anger sky rocket

"she's a fucking whore!" the man called out with a drunken laugh as he ran his eyes over clara who simply glared back at him blankly.

"alright you wanna do this you cunt ? " dave laughed shaking his head as he quickly took off his guitar and put it down on the floor before turning to face the man again 

the man only made a suggestive gesture towards clara and that was enough to send dave over the edge as he jumped off the stage and onto the man .

clara quickly rushed over to the edge of the stage as she watched him pummel his fist into the fuckers face over and over again , the crowds cheering as he did so .

"dave!" she called out to him with a frown watching as he continued to beat the man up before rolling her eyes and walking over to the microphone.

"dave!" she spoke into it annoyed causing everyone's attention to snap back to her 

"if you don't get back here I'm gonna fucking break your guitar!" she threatened with a small smile of amusement .

that seemed to do the trick as daves head snapped up to stare at her with widened eyes already knowing how crazy his girlfriend was ,

he wasn't about to call her bluff.

"alright!" he exclaimed with a snort as security helped him back onto stage and hauling the fucker who had insulted her away , all bloodied and beaten .

"I'm sorry!" he said with a chuckle as he saw the glare clara was giving him "I had to!"

laughing she shook her head as he reached her , his arm sneaking around her waist as he gazed down at her fondly 

"just couldn't help yourself could you?" she muttered with a smirk as she peered up at him through her lashes.

huffing dave brushed the messy hair away from her face " he fucking deserved it!"

"yeah he did." she confirmed before kissing him quickly " but we've got a fucking show to do!"

dave nodded quickly and turned to face the crowd who were still screaming there names

grabbing the microphone he brought it close to his mouth , a smirk tugging at his lips as he eyed Clara's form walking away from him .

"now." he breathed out with a quirk off the brow "anyone else got something to say?"

dave snickered to himself as he watched his girlfriend dance around the hallway of the venue after finishing there show , thankfully without any more interruptions.

"you're gonna get dizzy baby!" he told her with a grin as he watched her spin around like a ballerina dressed in black .

spinning on her heel she scowled back at him out of breath 

"will not." she muttered defensively like a child and she crossed her arms over her chest looking over dave with a frown .

shaking his head at her he slowly walked over to her and pulled her towards him by the waist ,

her arms automatically looping around his neck as he peered down at her curiously

"you okay?" he muttered after a minute of silence , still angry over the way they had disrespected her .

the worst thing being that this wasn't the first time it had happened.

sighing clara nodded in assurance as she looked up at him with a small smile

"I'm good baby." she told him honesty "those fuckers don't bother me . they can say all they want about me , they don't know me at the end of the day." she said with a shrug.

frowning he shook his head slightly , never understanding how she managed to stay calm even while being insulted on stage .

"still." he breathed out annoyed " I don't like that shit clara , fucking disrespectful dickbags."

chuckling to herself she patted his cheek lightly 

"forget about them dave." she told him quietly " letting them get to you just shows them that they've won , they don't deserve your attention."

dave pondered over her words for a moment before groaning loudly 

"why do you always have to make such good points?!" he exclaimed with a grin.

clara shrugged with a smirk

"cause i'm wise bitch!" she cackled before running down the hall and to there dressing room .

"fucking weirdo." dave muttered to himself with a smile as he followed after her

he would marry her one day , he was sure of it.

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