⋅•☆Chapter 10 - Christmas☆•⋅

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Y/n's POV


It was finally the Holidays, mum and dad decided that me and Harry should stay at Hogwarts so we could experience our first Christmas there. Mum didn't mind too much. She said she was a bit busy in America at the moment but she did mention that she'll send her presents to us soon.

You could already tell it was Christmas due to the decorations that were seen everywhere throughout the castles. Even the portraits had a few decorations in their pictures. There were Christmas trees in every common room and ribbons and wreaths were hung everywhere. Even Snape placed a bit of decoration in the potions classroom.

Snow could be seen everywhere outside Hogwarts so it was practically a freezer during the night but ever since Uncle Remus taught me how to charm blankets to keep them warm, we were able to get through the night.

I was currently in the Great Hall watching Ron and Harry play Wizard's chess but it looked more like Ron beating Harry at Wizard's chess.

"You realize you're going to lose this right?" I whispered to Harry.

"I am fully aware of that." Harry said in a frustrated tone as Ron took away the broken pieces.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said. I didn't realize she entered the Great hall until she spoke.

"That's Wizard's chess. I see you've got your luggage." Ron said.

"I see you don't." Hermione replied.

"Change of plans, My parents are in Romania visiting my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron said.

"Good, you can help Y/n and Harry. They're going to look up for more information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione said.

"Well we aren't going to spend all our time here doing that, Mione. It's the holidays. Besides, we can just research more after the holidays." I said as I looked for Stark who I thought was sitting next to me.

"Fine, we can research after the holidays but at least check out the restricted section, Happy Christmas." Hermione said before she left.

"Wait did she just say-" Harry said.

"The restricted section?" Ron said.

"Yup, let's not think that right now. Now if you two don't mind I'm going to have to look for Stark." I said as I got up from the bench.


I've been looking for Stark for the last hour and still no sign of him. I swear he never runs off like this before. The only times he's ever done it was on the Hogwarts express train.

After I went to my dorm to grab my coat I was now going to the Black Lake. The odds of him being out here are actually quite high. He loves to go on walks outside. Back at Carrington Manor, he'd want to go outside so that he can walk around the reserve. His favorite season to go out for walks is usually during spring but he does like to go out during winter.

I spotted the twins and Lee sitting under a tree discussing something, probably a new plan for a prank. As I walked through the thick snow, I got to the trio to notice something resting on top of Fred's lap.

"Looks like Stark has found his new favorite." I said to acknowledge my presence.

"Oh hey Y/n, didn't see you there." George said.

"I believe this is yours." Fred said as he handed me Stark,

Lee gestured for me to sit down so I did while resting Stark on my lap.

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