⋅•☆Chapter 41 - Hard floor☆•⋅

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Fred's POV


Maybe it was the suddenness of it all or the large crowd of students that began to fill the Great Hall. But there was a certain tense ambience that filled the air.

To put things in simple terms we were to all sleep in the Great Hall since we were no longer allowed to stay in our dorms because the castle was unsafe. Dumbledore explained it was better that all of us stay in one room where they can keep an eye on us as the others searched the castle.

We looked at the Great Hall to see rows and rows of sleeping bags scattered across the floor. Our group gathered around one corner and began to choose our sleeping bags.

We were a big group so we found it better that we just stayed together.

"My back is going to kill me tomorrow." I commented as I looked at the ground with a sorrowful look.

"Let's just pretend we're camping under the stars." Hermione suggested as she looked up at the star covered ceiling.

"Dirt would be more comfortable than this." Harry replied as he sat down on one of the sleeping bags.

"Well, you're more than welcome to sleep outside by the whomping willow." Y/n said as she took the one across from him.

I chose the sleeping bag closest to Y/n which led George to pick the one beside mine. Louis followed by taking the one next to Y/n while Lee took the one next to Louis.

Ron took the one across from mine while Hermione took the one next to him. Draco took the one across from Louis, his other friends took the ones next to him. Pansy took her place next to Hermione which left Makayla to the sleeping bag next to George.

Y/n's lips grew into one of the most adorable grins at the sight of the two and nudged me in the shoulder as she subtly pointed at the two. I chuckled lightly as I looked at George and Makayla.

I caught George's eye so I sent him a teasing look which he replied with an annoyed eye roll. That only caused me to laugh even further.

"Feels great playing cupid, doesn't it?" Y/n chuckled.

"Absolutely wonderful." I replied with a laugh.

We all got settled into our sleeping bags. But we were all wide awake, not feeling a single drop of fatigue. So we simply talked, in hopes that the exhaustion from the day would catch up with us.

"What do you think Sirius Black is doing in the castle?" Lee asked.

"I'm not sure...." Y/n replied as she got lost in thought.

Her eyebrows scrunched as she began to think. It's something I've notice her do whenever she's trying to think.

"What if he's looking for us?" Harry suggested to Y/n.

"That's possible. Maybe he's trying to clear his name?" Y/n replied.

"How's he gonna clear his name? He's got to find proof and evidence that he's innocent. I'm not sure what he could find here." I stated as I leaned on my palms that were resting on either side of me.

"No offense to him but are we absolutely sure he isn't out for you two? Don't you guys remember the Grim reading you two got the other day. What if there's a connection." Ron suggested which only left us with more thoughts.

"No, he wouldn't do that... Right?" Y/n asked. There was a small shred of doubt in her tone.

I looked at her and noticed the slightly worried look on her face. I furrowed my brows and sat up, pulling her to my side with my arm around her.

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