⋅•☆Chapter 11 - The Mirror of Erised☆•⋅

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Harry's POV


I waited till it was past curfew. I borrowed the Marauder's map from Y/n so I could go to the library without bumping into anyone in particular. Even though I could have brought Y/n or Ron with me, they were probably asleep.

I wore the invisibility cloak and brought a lantern with me since I still haven't learned how to cast a wand-lighting charm.

I finally got into the library undetected and made my way towards the restricted section.

You'd think that with all the magic this school teaches, they'd have more secured locks but nope, simple locks that most muggles use.

I passed the bookshelves filled with old books that I think haven't been read by anyone in decades. I placed down the lantern and cloak and grabbed one of the books on the shelf. When I opened it, it revealed a face of a man trying to reach out of the pages while screaming. I immediately closed the book and placed it back on the shelf.

"Who's there?" A voice from somewhere in the library asked.

Oh brilliant, Filch is here.

I fumbled with the cloak which was next to the lantern which caused it to fall and break.

Now Filch was heading my way so I placed on the cloak and quietly walked out of the library but I Mrs. Norris was there. She started chasing after me but just as I was about to turn the corner Professor Snape was pinning Professor Quirrell to the wall.

"S-severus I-" Quirrell was cut off by Snape.

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." Snape said.

"I-i don't know w-what you mean."

"You know perfectly well what I mean." Snape said.

He turned his head towards my direction. It was as if he knew I was there. He reached out to grab me but I stepped back. He turns back to Quirrell and says that this wasn't the end of their conversation, that was until Filch came walking down the corridor.

"Um Professors, I found this in the restricted section." Filch said, holding up the broken lantern. "It's still hot, meaning there is a student out of bed."

The three then left to look for the student, well to look for me but they didn't know that.

I was able to hide myself inside an abandoned room that was nearby. The one thing in the room was a tall mirror that stood at the back of the room. It seemed a bit peculiar but I got closer to the mirror.

There were letters carved to the frame of the mirror. I couldn't understand what they meant so they were probably in another language. Another peculiar thing was that it had a different reflection. I got closer to it to see Me, Y/n, mum, dad and Remus in the living room at Carrington manor. It looked like we were celebrating Christmas. The one thing that caught my attention the most was there were three other figures in the room.

It was my biological mum and dad along with uncle Sirius. We were all sitting by the fireplace. Y/n and I were just about to open our presents. We were happy.

I've seen photographs and even some videos of my biological parents but this was different. This time I was in the same room as they were. It felt so surreal to see this. It was like looking back at a memory that never happened. Even though I do have parents that take care of me and love me and are always there. I've always wanted to have my biological parents around.

I immediately went off to get the others to show the mirror. I ran to the Gryffindor common room and once I was there I immediately went up to the boys' dorms.

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