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Eyjafjalla glare at Ifrit during the whole time of the examination. Doctor Silence and her assistant, Ptilopsis notices the new look on Eyjafjalla too. The little Sarkaz ignores it and keep reading her comics to make the time pass faster.

"And we are done for today." Eyjafjalla immediately runs outside and Doctor Silence washes her hands with Ptilopsis quietly doing the same.

"She is angry at you. Which is a new emotion for Eyjafjalla."

"Tch, the bastard talked bad to yo-"

"His words were true, Ifrit! And it made me realize something." The girl lower her comic.

"You are going to apologize Doctor Y/N AND Eyjafjalla too! Till then, no more comics and sweets." Ptilopsis takes the comics.

"Fine!" Ifrit slams the door hard and Doctor Silence sighs. She hates herself for not keeping a good job of being Ifrit's guardian.


Eyjafjalla plays with her fingers as she is enters her room. The sheep walks over to corner of the room to rest and the doctor set a sleeping spot at the couch.

"Erm... Senpai... are you okay?"

The man turns around with a small smile to her. The burn mark on his face is gone since he got admitted to the E.R.

"I am fine. Just a little annoyed, but that is life. Sometimes, life itself punches you in your face." He respond and puts his things down.

"No trauma after that punch?"

"Why should I? That is nothing new." He play with her hair and walks over to the door.

"I will find some dinner for us." Eyjafjalla tries to stop him, but he already closed the door and headed to the lobby.

Y/N takes his wallet out and checks on the coupons he has. He needs to safe some money after the first class treatment earlier today. And by the time he reaches the corner of the hallway, he walks right into someone's back.

He falls and drops his coupons. Y/N was about to nag to the person about not standing still, but his jaw drops as he recognizes the person.

"Inspector Hoshiguma?" The Oni turns around and put her hand over her eyes to try remember the doctor.

"Who are you...? Have we worked together? No, impossible. Have you been arrested by me?"

Y/N stare at her with a deadpanned expression and it did not take long time, before Hoshiguma breaks out with a laugh.

"Doctor! What is the chances to meet here?"

"Work surely, or maybe not." He notices the causal outfit of Hoshiguma.

"Perhaps destiny? Maybe out lives are connected with one and another." She traps Y/N against the wall with a smirk.

"Hahaha, very funny." He laughs awkwardly with a reddened face. Then someone smacks Hoshiguma's ass. The slap was loud and clear.

"Are you hitting on someone?!"

"Not just someone." The Oni grins and ignores the smack from the Feline. Hoshiguma steps back and Y/N wave his hand to the newcomer.

"Yo Tiger." Swire stands still and Hoshiguma scratches behind her head in confusion.

"Not the reaction I expected." Swire claps her mouth and rushes with a bone-crushing hug to the man. "I never thought to see you here! After that Lynx, my hopes to see became zero. But here we are!" Y/N chuckles and return the hug.

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