Do You Remember

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Doctor Kal'tsit laughs by the joke and Hellagur sips his cup of coffee with a smirk under it. The Liberi winks to the man at the other end of the café. Y/N lets a murderous aura out. The birdman is on thin ice.

"It was fun, Mrs. Rosewood, but it seems I got another appointment soon."

"I see and please drop the formality. Call me Alexia." Y/N crushed his plastic cup and Hellagur ignores the killing energy from him.

The Liberi chuckles and quickly leaves the building. Y/N leaves too and follow the tall man to an alleyway. "I mean it, do you want to die?" He holds pair of cards between his fingers and Hellagur raises his hands in the air.

"Wow, wow. Wow. Alexia invited me for coffee."

"Bullshit." Hellagur sighs and blink of an eye, he disappear in front of Y/N to his back.

"That is the truth, Doctor. Please excuse me now, I got a video call with Neon." Y/N punches the wall as Hellagur leaves him alone at the alleyway. Then he hears footsteps.

"Why are you so work up?" Doctor Kal'tsit walks over to him with her arms crossed.

"The Birdman wants something from me. His clinic probably want someone as me." Y/N takes his cap and sunglasses off, as his identity is already exposed. The super heroes films lied to him, the disguise does not work at all.

"Nonsense, now please get back to the room and wait for instructions." Y/N muttered some curse words and slowly walks away. Doctor Kal'tsit waited for some seconds after his figure disappear, before heading the opposite direction.

Y/N throws the cap and sunglasses in the trashcan and heads to the nearest park. He finds a bench and just sat down in annoyance. The undercover work he expected were not just staying at the hotel.

He actually hopefully for some spy moments or a secret fights with goonies. But, that seems impossible, if he just a househusband.

"Hello." Y/N's eyes shifted to the side from the ground and meet with the woman's ones. The miraculous smile she held made his brain freeze. Somewhere, he is positive he has seen that exact smile before.

"You look annoyed."

"Indeed." The woman laughs and Y/N slowly shrink his shoulders close too himself. The woman seems too familiar. And she also have the feeling of being dangerous. Especially the laugher she have.

"Do you not remember me at all?"

"..." He kept his mouth close, not wanting to answer her question. Y/N is definitely sure he have encountered her before now, since she asked him that question.

"Makes sense. You were slaughtering your way out. Until I shot you in the chest. Heehee." Y/N tries immediately to get off the bench, but the feeling of a gun is pressed against his hip.

"I finally got free time from work and wanted to visit Chernobog. And then!" The gun is pressed further and Y/N tries to dial a number with his phone inside his pocket.

"My eyes catches you here, in this park! How convenient to randomly find the target I got to kill is sitting here!" She added and laughs. Y/N drops the idea to call for help and uses another strategy.

"But you are not going to kill me. I peeked your interest, right?" He slowly pushes the gun away from him and the woman stops laughing, to stare at him. His hand is touching hers.

"Sorry to ruined your vacation. I will leave now, let us hope I do not need to give you a treatment." He takes the gun out of her hand and walks away. The woman continue to stare at him, till the silhouette disappear from her eyes.

"The fuck?" The woman feels disgusted yet also weirdly inside of herself. Did he peeked her interest? She is not sure at all.


He leans forward against the wall with the gun in his pocket. That experience was strangely different from other moments. That woman shrieks dangerous. The smile and laugh feels some Harley Quinn vibes.

Hopefully, there is no Joker or any crazy people. Who is he kidding? People of Terra is some degree of craziness. Himself too.

"I hate this weapon." He takes the bullets out of the gun and throw the weapon in the trashcan.

"My, my. My, so you are taking my offer?" Y/N sent a glare at the birdman and see the towering Liberi is stepping forward with two people behind him. A hooded girl and some cosplayer. The tree head is weird, but not the weirdest in Terra.

"What offer?" Hellagur smiles and pushes the hooded girl forward. To the cosplayer displeased.

"I must forgot to tell you, but I want you to take care of her for today. She is visiting Chernobog with her father after they suddenly have time. Afterward, I got another offer."

The cosplayer scoffs and the hooded girl shows the bunny ears, as she takes the hood off. And Y/N's annoyed face turns into shock.


He crawls back. Scared. The horrifying scene in front of him made him almost throw up. This is his new reality. A damned one too.

The footsteps starts getting closer to him. His eyes shuts immediately in fear and the coldness reach him. However, it quickly disappeared and he opened his eyes.

"Sorry, did I frightened you?"


"Here, to keep you warm from my Arts." She takes a candy out from her pocket and he slowly reach it. And as he takes it, the woman smiles.


That smile. It is beautiful one. He does not need the candy to feel the warmth. That smile is enough to melt the coldest area of Antarctica. Maybe his new reality is not that bad after all.


"Doctor, I trust you in this matter." Hellagur winks and walks away with the cosplayer.

Y/N and the woman stare at each other. The memories of their first encountered played in his head. The woman seems not to remember him like he does with her.

"Are you the Wandering Doctor?"

"Yes. Part-time caretaker too." He jokes with the hopes she remember him and the woman turns around. She does not remember him at all.

"Uncle Hellagur spoke highly of you. I heard you treats Infected people. But you are not Infected, right?" The woman only takes a few steps out to the street, before turning around to Y/N.

"I am just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe." He answer and is confused on one part. What does the birdman consider him as?

"Hmph. I will go on my own. I do not need babysitting." She walks into the crowd.

"Do you not remember me the slightest?!"

Y/N shouts after her. She stops for a second, before walking through the crowd without answering him. The poor man sighs in sadness.

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