The move

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Rebels pov*

I was Driving in my 2018 Jeep Wrangler with the u-haul trailer on the back to my new home my emotions were everywhere. I looked to my right and i saw the "Welcome to Forks Washington" sign. Now i know what your thinking 15 and driving no-one knows I'm moving to this town or who i am which is exactly how i like it.

 As i was driving through i must admit a few people look at me funny but i just ignored it and went to the Address I was givin in La Push. After a few minutes i finally reach the house and i fell in love. It was PERFECT. I look at the clock and realized it was only 11:06am so I started taking boxes in and unpacking.

Nobody's Pov*

Hours later Rebel finally put the last box away and looked out side "It's dark already?" she asked herself in disbelief. She sighed and and looked at the clock 9:56pm it read so she decided it was time to sleep. As she walked up the stairs to her newly refurnished room she didn't even bother to change she took off her socks and shoes and as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

Mean while at the pack house EMILYS pov*

I just finished cooking dinner when the boys walked in Sam walked over and gave me a kiss on the lips them on all 3 of my scars like he did every day as he did it i giggled.

"How was your day Em?"Paul asked me With a mouth full of food. He is the hot head of the Pack.

 "Good "I replied AS i sat down on Sams lap"We have a neighbor tho." As i said that all the boys head shot up in my direction on high alert. 

"What do you mean babe?" Sam asked on high alert and curious. 

"Yeah she just moved in that cottage that belonged to Ms. Mayfield. But the funniest thing is as i was pulling up to the house i was her she pick up a couch." By then the boys were looking at me funny including Sam. 

All i did was chuckle and say"Let me clarify this girl looks about 15 or 16 years old i didn't see a parent only one car and when i say she picked up a coach i mean by herself"I said with amusement as i walked to the sink with their plates. By then the boys wore shocked looks when i turned to face them. 

Then Sam said" alright boys tomorrow 11 o'clock sharp be here we are gonna get to know our neighbor, Head on home and get some sleep" All the boys just nodded in agreement as we bedded our good nights. 

As me and Sam got up stairs i told him i wanted to go he agreed but he said i had to stay by him at all times. I did not know why but i felt as if i knew her for some reason i just Didn't tell Sam.

After Emily fell asleep Sams pov*

I looked at Emily's sleeping face as i thought of who i neighbor might be or do. I just shrugged it off kissed Emily's head and fell asleep.

Back to Rebels pov*

BOOM just like that i shot up dripped in sweat from the same dream I've had my whole life it was painful reminder of my past and i hated it. I looked at the clock and it read 6:43am.

 I was hungry so i took a quick shower with the last bit of shampoo and conditioner and got dressed in my camo cropped top, black ripped jeans, and combat boats. as for my hair i just through it up in a bun i don't wear make up so i didn't need to put any on.

 I walked down stairs grabbed my keys, camo jacket, wallet, and phone and walked out the house. After i locked the house i got inside my jeep and started driving to the store. 

It was Friday and i didn't start school till next week i would be in my 11th grade year because i "skipped" a few grades. As i pulled out the driveway i connected my phone to my car speaker and as soon as i did my Best friend called so i picked up.

R-me S-my best friend

R-Hey Selena whats up?
S-Nun just called to see how your were doing i have a few minutes before my plane gets hear and i missed you.
R-Its great I LOVE the house I'm actually going to get grocers and i miss you too
S-You and food i swear I'm just playing
R-HAHA so funny
S-Oh crap i gotta go the planes here i love you and i miss you and talk to you soon
R-Hehe okay i love you too talk soon bye.

As i said that i hung up and pulled into the grocer store. Thank god it was open. I went in and got food, soap, razors, shaving cream, lotion, etc. As i was checking out i saw the cashier looking at me weird but i just ignored it.

"$258.42 cents sure you can pay for all that we ain't no charity"She stated with a sarcastic tone. It to everything in my power not to kill her then and there so all i did was look her in the eye and slammed $300 dollars on the counter which made her jump a little a scream. I smirked at her and said with my thick southern accent

"Keep the change you could buy yourself some mouth wash" and with that i walked out the store with my two buggies full of groceries. 

I put all of it it the back and drove home. When i got their i put all the groceries and stuff away and checked the clock 9:26am. I sighed and made me some eggs and ate them and drank some orange juice, as i clean the dishes that i used i noticed its 7 minutes till 10. I sat down on the couch took off my shoes and jacket and turned on the television.

As i was watching the show i smelled something*Shape-shifter* i thought to myself. I looked at the clock and it read 10:57am they were a little ways away. But i also smelled a human among them. I closed my eyes and listened*6 heart beats 5 shape-shifters 1 human* As i stood up i heard a knock on the door I was cautious because i didn't know them*Thank god i have a human smell*

 I walked up to the door opened it and saw 5 males and one female looking at me the female gave me a smile which i gladly returned but the males had a serious face on. I took my manners and spoke

"Mornin lady and fellas" they seemed shocked i don't know if it was my accent or my manners. but i help open the door and said

"Yall are welcomed to come in if yall want to". The girl smiled and said thank you and she walked in the 5 men followed.

Emily's pov*

Sam knocked and a few seconds later the girl opened the door she scanned the boys for a second then looked at me i smiled and she smiled back *I felt to protective of this girl not in a love way but in a mother-daughter way* Then she spoke

"Mornin lady and fellas" i was shocked she had a strong southern accent WOW then she opened the door a little bit more and said

"Yall are welcomed to come in if yall want to" Such manners on someone Im surprised. I said thank you to her as i stepped in and she nodded her head the boys followed my i did a internal eye roll because of how they are acting.

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