Nosey Human

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Rebel taught Jacob the ropes of patrol and he ignored all bellas calls. Rebel is still in more pain slowly growing weaker but doesn't show it.
The pack, Emily, and the elders know Rebel is growing week. Bella depressed again and doesn't ever stop calling but they ignore her phone calls. Jacob got his tattoo and hair cut. 

He knows Rebels story and has been to her house sometimes. The pack had a sleep over at Rebels house. Selena is almost done with traveling. 

Rebel and Leah hangout but never tell Seth. Leah thinks Selena is cute and they started talking over the phone because they both like each other. *Yayyyyy*.

I was getting angry because Jacob wasn't answering I needed attention since Edward left. I can't believe he has mono. *Ughhhhh* I decided to go over there even tho it's raining.


When Bella left i shifted and met up with the pack. Rebel looked tired so I mind linked her 

*you okay there little Uley*

*im fine just didn't sleep much to much pain* me and the pack was shocked she was actually truthful of how she left.
*Lets trade out ill finish your shift if that alright with you Sam?"
Sam responded not even a second later

*Yeah trade out she needs rest*

*Okay dad okay Jacob I'll see you guys when you get home.*
With that she trotted away. Me and the boys shifted back and put clothes on

"Shes getting worse by the day Sam" Jared spoke up.

" Well talk to Sue tomorrow Jacob you'll stayed other her."

"Why can't I stay I'm her brother" Paul argued. wait brother?

"No discussion Paul" Sam stated.



Since the dinner Rebels never around all I wanted to do was apologize to her. But then I heard mom and dad saying she's sick or something I had to see her. So I started walking to Emily's and Sams.

I knocked on the door and Emily opened it a few seconds later."Hi Seth what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked with a smile which I returned
"Is Rebel home I really wanna apologize to her for how I acted and I miss my friend."
She thought for a second before saying "shes inside come on in. She's in the living room" as she closed the door I walked in the living room and saw Rebel sitting on the couch drawing.

I was on the couch drawing Flowers when there was a knock Emily opened it but I didn't bother listening because of the pain I was in. 

Then I heard foot steps behind me when I caught his scent. *Seth?!* 

I turned around and their he was. He sat down and obligated for how he behaved and that his ex was snobby and rude like I said and I forgave him we talked for about 2 more hours and I felt 100x better it was almost 4 o'clock when Seth hugged me and said he had to head home so he left.

After a few minutes i walked toward the woods because i was gonna find the boys but as i met the tree line Dad ran out and hugged me.

"you look a lot better "he stated 

" i feel 100 x better Seth came by and apologized and he said he wanted to be friends" with that we walked towards the house but then.........


The boys were headed back when they saw Bella walk outside with a mad face. 

Pretend Rebel is beside Paul and Bella smacks Paul but Rebel starts shaking from getting angry that Bella smacked her'brother' and phased not Paul and is white. 

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