The Crazy Day

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Everyone was sitting talking and laughing then the house phone rang and Sam answered it we all listened in and i almost dropped when Jared caught me. Seth and Leah shifted Harrys dead my God father is dead. I stood up and said 

"Lets go help em" Sam nodded and we all left after kissing and hugging mom (cheek ofc).

Sam said he'd meet us there and instructed me to get Seth and Leah to calm down.

We got there and immediately jumped out and ran to the woods were Leah and Seth were.

*I found them *i said through the mind-link in human form

*well be there sis you calm em down. You got there clothes?*Paul said and asked

*yes see yuh soon* then cut the link

I walked from behind the tree when i Seth and Leah looked at me scared worried and frightened.

"Seth Leah i know you are probably confused right now"I said edging forward but i earned a growl from Leah so i stepped back. I refused contact with Seth just in case.

"Leah its me its rebel and i know what your going through because i am just like you" what i didn't know was by then the whole pack was in there human forms behind me but out of sight listening."I know your scared, hurt, worried, frightened, and you probably feel alone and i get it i do but i need you to calm down and trust me."

 That pack was surprised how i was handling it

They nodded in wolf from and i continued"I need you to think of yourself in human form Leah first Seth look away "Seth looked away and second later Leah was human i quickly flung a blanket over her and said "its okay heres sum clothes go behind a tree and get dressed" she did as she tried not to cry.

"okay Seth your turn"he did and i did the same thing with him as i did with Leah but avoided eye contact.


When they came out from behind there trees in clothes Seth was crying he just lost his father so i would understand and Leah had her tears at bay i guess Rebel because she said

"Hey dad imma take Leah to my Secret place can we explain everything tomorrow " 

i nodded and said"yeah be safe "i kissed her head and hugged her

"well be back for breakfast at Sues at 8" me the boys and Seth walked back to Sues and i explained were Leah was and she asked in tears

"well where is it is she okay?" i nodded and said 

"i don't know where but you know Rebel she'll protect her." with that we all walked inside


I turned to Leah and said

"I'm gonna shift and i want you to get on my back okay. Do you trust me?"

She nodded her head and i went behind a tree with my clothes in my mouth she grabbed them and mumbled

"ill hold them"i laid down so she could climb on she grabbed onto my fur and i started running. After 10 minutes later i stopped and let her get off i was at my secret spot. i changed back.and lead her to it.


I didn't know Were rebel was taking me but i knew that she knows i needed to cry. I was confused, angry, sad, and, worried. A few minutes she stopped walking i looked around and asked kinda confused"where are we?"

"My secret place. no one but me and you know about it i come here to cry, to be alone, or anything really. now its your secret place to "

We walked to a huge cave type thing and she moved the vines out the way i walked in and i was in complete awe there were fairy lights on the roof, blankets on the ground spread out, pillows, some food, water, other drinks, flash;lights, books, and art work. "Its okay to cry. And I'm not gonna say sorry to you because i know you hate being pitied take off your shoes"

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