The Wedding

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I didn't wanna get up I had night mares all night.

Every single one was when me and Selena caught and trained in the red room and about that night.

I wasn't ready to watch my bestfriend get handed away.

Mom and Selena was gonne be handed away by Billy. I set up their honeymoon they wanted 3 weeks. All to themselves. They had to sit me down and talk me into not calling every couple hours. I hate this.

Mom and dad were going to Hawaii and Selena and Leah were gonna go to Cuba.

I pack mom Selena and Leah some *nice* panties and bras and other clothes. Iykyk.. and the boys packed dad's clothes.

I got up and Went to Emily's. Ths boys were on one side of the house and the girls were in another. Ofc Leah and Selena couldn't see eachother so she got dressed were the boys were nut in the bathroom.

I WAS SCARED everyone could tell.

We all got dressed and the ceremony started I walked first and Seth's arm linked mine. I was breathing hard. But not showing it Seth could tell.

"Breathe babe just breathe "
And I did. When mom and Leah walked down woth Billy Rollin down I was happy for them.

They stood infront of Dad and Leah.

Then the vows started
"I, Sam Uley, take thee, Emily Young, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

Then mom to dad
"I, Emily Young, take thee, Sam Uley, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

Then Leah to Selena
"I, Leah Clearwater, take thee, Selena Carpenter, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

Then lastly......Selena to Leah
"I, Selena Carpenter, take thee, Leah Clearwater, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith."

Then came the rings.....the I does. Then the preacher said"you too may kiss your brides. They kissed and I covered eyes and said

"HOLY WATER PEOPLE I NEED HOLY WATER" Everyone chuckled. And I smiled the Mom and dad danced so did Selena And Leah then I decided to cut in.

"May i?" I asked Leah. She smiled and responded.

" you may" her and Seth started dancing so did everyone else i know the vamps and pack were listening.

" Why do I feel like this is a good bye dance" She asked me

"I vow to you my bestfriend you are my ride or die. My rock. My sanity. I'll will never leave you. And it will never be a good bye just a-" she cut me off

"A see you later alligator"


"A see you later alligators stated with a smirk Rebel chuckled

"Yeah il see yuh later alligator."

"After while crocodile" She brought me into a hug and said

"Я так чертовски люблю тебя, сестренка" ( i love you so fucking much sis)

"я тоже тебя люблю" (i love you to) I replied and qoth late the song ended and everyone clapped.

After a few minutes everyone sat down for the speeches.

"My sister has never been more happy than she is with Selena and Selena has become family to me. Sam helped me when my dad passed away more than anyone can imagine. And Emioy Whoooo she can cook for an army. To you new start Leah and Selena and Sam and Emily."

"When I first met Sam and Emily I felt as if I had a family again. Sam felt with my anger and Emily kept me feed and if I hadn't met them I wouldn't have meet the love of my life. Selena and Leah their the perfect pair. Both couples are. Cheers."

"I met Emily and Sam at a low point and they talked me back to the real me and I found love and i have the same love that Sam has for Emily and Leah has for Selena."

"I'm not good woth speech but here goes. You've all became my family for me. And I'm glad I meet you because boy can Selena and Emily cook some food. To a new beginning"

"Despitw me and Sam always bumping heads he's always helped me so has Selena Emily and Leah. So I thank you for that and home you have a good honey moom."

"All I know is man 3 weeks Jesus who's gonna cook. Nah I'm playing I hope yall have an amazing honey moon and future."

"Im glad I meet yall four because if I didn't I wouldn't has , a sister, and brothers."

"I met you all through Jared but I'm glad I did meet you all. I found sisters and brothers and love. And if I dint meet you I'd be missing alot. Happy marrage."

"Me and Emily have always been friend so have me and Sam and Leah I know Selena and Leah are the perfect match so are Sam and Emily in happy they finally got married and this is to new beginnings."


i stood infront of the mic
"Best for last I guess huh?" A few chuckled

"When I met Selena we were both in a really dark place but we pulled eachother put and became eachothers family. It was me and her for years and I was so scared of loosing her and her getting hurt that when Leah asked me for blessing to get married to Selena I didn't take it very well"

"Not well at all" leah intercepted me and everyone chuckled.

"But she meet Leah her other half. The Ying to her yang. I'm so happy for her. And when met Leah she was the only one who knew I had a crush on her little brother." Eberyone laughed

"But....when I meet Sam and Emily they didn't even know me they welcomed me and treated me like their own they adopted me and became my mom and dad. They gave me a family. And would never take anything I've ever choosing to do back because it led me here. I love you four so much and here's to you happy future." Everyone cheered whe I said

"Oh and one more thing Dad Leah yall are gonna like what I packed mom and Selena" I winked at them whole they blushed and everyone laughed.

Then the dancing went on me and me and jasper. Alice. Emmett, Rosalie and the rest of the cullens danced even Edward but I kept my distance from bella. Knowing she didn't wanna be here.

Then the bouquet throwing came I stood in the crowd with all the rest of the girls and mom threw it and Bella caught it. I mean her and Edward are getting married.

Then the guest and newly weds left. And the pack and Cullens helped Clean I used my powers to put the wood back into into ground.

And everything was cleaned in and hour then me and Seth fell asleep asleep everyone else in the living room and the cullens went hom.

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