Selena's Home

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Rebel and Seth's together. Bella was at a bonfire when Collin and Rebel had patrol. It's 2 days before graduation and Selena's coming home. The principal is letting Rebel graduate this year.

I'm currently pacing in the living room while the pack and imprints are sitting on the couch.
I heard a car pull up and i knew it was Selena because I caught her scent scent ran outside and jumped in her arms causing us both to fall we laughed as the pack walked to the yard. When we stood up I walked over and introduced everyone while i pointed at them

"Guys and girls Selena. Selena this is my dad Sam, my mom Emily, my brothers Jared and his girlfriend Kim, Quil and his girlfriend Claire, Paul and his girlfriend Rachel, Jacob, Collin, Embry and ofc you know Leah, and my boyfriend Seth."

"She's hot" Embry stated

"Shes lesbian" I stated "Shes mine" Leah growled at the same time i said that. I looked at her in shock then anger. Everyone notices my mood change even Leah.

"I'm gonna kill you" I growled as i shifted Leah shift too we were about to attack when Selena stood in the way I knew I could never hurt her again

"Both of you calm down Rebel it's okay you know they have no control over it, just shift back and breathe."

"Step back she could hurt you if she doesn't have her anger under control" Dad warned her.

"Shed never hurt me again i know she wont."I trotted to the woods so did Leah to change in the clothes we had stashed places. As we were walking back I walked up beside Leah and said

"Sorry I shouldn't have reacted that way its just she was the only family I had at the red room I don't want her hurt" you could hear the guilt in my voice

"It's okay Rebel I under stand" we made it to were Selena was and she asked

"they know about the red room" I nodded and " bout time you trusted somebody" I flipped her off and she laughed. We walked inside and she told us about her trip and everyone told her about themselves.

Everyone was telling me about themselves when Emily spoke up

"why don't we go to the beach tomorrow its uploaded to be sunny?" Everyone agreed. 

When we got to Rebels house I was mesmerized by it. She led me to another master bed room and helped me unpack when she did we cooked dinner and had a conversation.

"Do you still have nightmares" She asked

"3 to 4 times a week. You?"

"Every damn night"

"Do they know?"

"No and I don't want them to. Don't tell me please?"

"Ofc I won't"

We finished the headed to bed.

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