Beach Day

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P.S. graduation is Tomorrow.


I woke up from the night mares at 3:27a.m. I walked downstairs because i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep again. I wasn't surprised when i saw Selena in the kitchen with coffee making.

"Hey" she said softly

"Nightmares?"i asked she just nodded

"Me too! Which one?" She motioned for me to read her mind i knew it would be to painful for her to say it out loud so i read her mind


I walked outside to try and see if Rebel survived shes all i cared about right then. i wasn't pain attention when i ran into a snow white wolf. I was so scared. It turned around when its right paw came from my left shoulder to my right hip. I was in so much pain.



I started crying as i remember what i did to Selena. She hugged me as i murmured

"I'm so sorry"over and over again we walked to the couch and we both cried ourselves to sleep.


The alarm went off and the girls woke up they were supposed to meet everyone at the beach at 11. They both went to their own bed rooms and took a shower. 

Rebel was done first so she got dressed in a red 2 piece, shorts, her hair in a bun, and sandals. She didn't need a shirt because she became confident with her scars thanks to Seth. She walked down stairs and started making grits and toast when she was putting it on the table with sum coffee. 

Selena came down at 9:27 in a black 2 piece(she was always confident about her scars), shorts a tank top, her hair in a pony tail, flip-flops, and a tank-top. They both sat down and ate in comfortable silence.

When they were down they watched T.V. till 10:40 When they walked outside and put their surfboards on the top of Rebels jeep and got in(Selena's surfboard is plain red).


W got in the jeep Rebel was driving.

"You know I've missed you"She stated

"I've missed you too"

"Leah really likes you"

"i really like her too "i said blushing.

"Awww you blushing"she teased as she part it was now 10:56

"Shut up"

We got out and grabbed our boards and walked to the girls and boys.


Everyone surfed and swam till 1 o'clock when they ate lunch that Emily made.

The they began again. It was now 6pm and everyone was cuddled up to their imprints by the fire or by themselves at the fire. When Leah asked something that everyone was wondering.


It was quite when Leah asked Selena"Hey Selena how'd you get these scars"I got stiff and everyone noticed. Selena looked at me and i read her mind

*Can you tell them i cant* I nodded at her and began

"When the red-room blew up every remember that"They all nodded yes"Well when i turned around to see Selena I was so scared so before i was it was her her i turned around with my right paw and striked Selena from the shoulder to the hip"Leah was getting angry while Selena calmed her down i continued.

"She passed out from the pain and i found a way to shift back and when i did i picked her up and walked for about and hour till i found a cave i ran and found the underground bunker that the red-room had for emergencies as fast as i could i grabbed food, drinks, blankets, clothes, weapons, and a first aid kit. I stitched her up and for a whole week id leave for about an hour grabbing more supplies. I did wanna spend so much time out in case she woke up" I swallowed

"On the 7th day i walked in the cave as she was waking up. I relive that damn day every night and every night i wonder if there was a way for that to not happen. But there's not" i finished

"But i forgave her because it wasn't her fault and she had no control. And plus that make me and Emily look hot"Selena stated and we chuckled at the last part. But she knew i will always feel guilty.

No one asked question and we were happy about it when headed home at almost 7 Me and mom cooked dinner and after dinner Leah stayed with Selena in her room.

And Seth stayed with me in my room. We cuddled all night and for once i didn't have a nightmare. I slept all through the night.

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