Bad Dinner

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Seth showed up with his GIRLFRIEND?!. 

I felt bad for Rebel because she told me about her crush on Seth this would break her and this girl that he's with is snobby and rude. I heard a truck pull up and not even a minute later I saw Rebel come in and then, the boys, and Emily. 

"Ugh oh" is all I could say.

I walked In the house the pack right behind me I looked to the right and my whole world stopped Seth had his arms around a girl red hair, pale skin, brown eyes, my heart broke. 

I heard my wolf whine in pain. I tried to hide the pain in my chest and dad knew so he put his arm around me.

"I'm so sorry Rebel I just found out" Leah whispered as she hugged me so No one could hear. 

I told her "it's okay" when Sue called saying dinner was ready I sat across from Seth and his g-girl friend. The pain was increasing by the minute I didn't know what was happening but i pulled though. Sue spoke up

"So Kaylee Seth says that your a freshman. What do you plan on doing in the future?" *her names Kaylee basiccc* I mind linked to the pack Paul held back a laugh. 

And Sam responded with *play nice*

"A travel agent I don't plan sitting at home all day" Kaylee said with an attitude toward Sue which I hated so I started getting angry I forgot my mind link was open 

*Who THE F*** DOES SHE THINK SHE IS TALKING TO SUE LIKE THAT* Sam grabbed by arm as to letting me know it was open and to calm down which I did and I closed the mind link.

"Hi I'm Rebel and no was to be rude or anything but I think you should loose the disrespect" I told her nicely but stern. She rolled her eyes and said

"Well sorry Ms.southern bell" I kept my cool and everyone else stayed silent but I could tell Leah was enjoying the show.

" Why are you here again Kaleb?" I asked acting like I forgot her name which caused a few to chucked and a few to smile even Seth.

"It's Kaylee" She said raising her voice trying to act intimidating.

"Oops must've forgotten"

"Who the F*** are you?!"

" I'm Rebel...............Motherf****** Uley."

"Oh so your the adopted one" She said as she laughed.

"Something like that but at least I was wanted" She stopped laughing and looked at me angry all I did was smirk and continued "Emily and Sam adopted me with choose you parent didn't have one"

She then pushed the limit" that's why I'm rich and my daddy gets me everything I wasn't while you have NOTHING." Sue gasped and Seth looked at her in shock and everyone else gave her different looks. So I snapped.

I dropped my smirk and looked her dead in the eyes (credit goes to bhad bhabie)
"White J's, white Porsche,White wrist, white horse. Hi, bitch!"
Everyone looked amused and I noticed Leah laughing and recording so I went on.
"I do not sniff it or roll it"she then interrupted

"It do not drip when I pour it"*she think she bad* I thought.

I was snatching in amusement and she put her imprints 'girlfriend' in place.
"I do not run, I reload it, I do not save it, I throw it" Rebel said that my daughter.

" do you know who I am my daddy could Sue you" her voice is so annoying
But Rebel didn't back down and I noticed Leah recording while laughing.
"I ain't worried 'bout no basic bitches
All y'all look like you still fly Spirit
All y'all must not've looked in the mirror. All y'all lookin' but the windows tinted. I don't know what made all y'all haters. You can Play if you want but you know I ain't playin." The girl stood up and stormed out the house the we heard a car leave the drive way. 

Rebel was smiling some were smiling and some were laughing except Seth and that's when he said something stupid.

Rebel just roasted my girlfriend. Like who does she think she is my girlfriend didn't do anything to her. Everyone was laughing and smiling when I spoke up

" what the f*** was that?"

"What do you mean" She asked confused.

" you don't just go off on my girlfriend for no stupid reason"

"She was being rude to Sue and she started it"

"God could you be so stupid, and dumb."

"SETH CLEARWATER" Leah and mom yelled but I didn't care


Then I regretted everything I said I was just angry. Her eyes showed she was hurts and her eyes had tears in them. She started shaking when Sam quickly spoke saying 

"We should head home" and dragged Rebel out.

The pack drug Rebel out the house and and Sam commanded her to shift and she did. The pack headed home they knew she needed time. She slept in a cave she found a few weeks ago she had stuff stashed their like granola bars, clothes, shoes, blankets, pillows, and waters. 

The next morning she woke up and mind linked the pack*I'm headed home have Emily put clothes behind a tree please* they responded with okays and be careful and she was. She made it to the house and changed in the clothes Emily picked out for her. And with that she walked inside.

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