Jacob's Shift

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Rebel stayed at her house Monday - Thursday and at Emily's Friday and Saturday. Bella invited Jacob to the movies. Jacob is obsessed over Bella still. The pack believe the Cullens aren't coming back

Seth and Rebel don't talk. Seth broke up with his girlfriend. Rebel is always in pain from the imprint connection but doesn't show it but sometimes it gets so bad that they have to call Sue over. Seth Refuses to see Rebel because he thinks she hates him now.

Anyway everyone just got back from patrol Paul and Rebel the last ones in horse playing as always when she stopped and fell to her knees me and the boys ran to her and I asked in concern

" Are you okay baby?"

"Yeah I'm okay mom I smelled his scent when I walked in. I'm okay tho imma call Selena" and with that she went upstairs. About an hour later Sam called her own and said Jacob was about to shift.

So they both kissed me scars and left with the pack.


Dad called me down so I said bye to Selena. When I reached the bottom step he said

"were leaving Jacob's about to shift" with that we kissed mom on her scars and walked out.

I was angry, like really angry when I walked out the theater I started running in the woods and the next thing I know I'm on my hands

*WAIT NO NOT HANDS PAWS WHAT THE F*** IS THIS* Then I hear twigs snap. Wolves walk out and a human then I notice its Rebel. She spoke calmly

"Jacob i know your scared right now but I'm gonna help you" I started crying but it sounded like...whines I was scared.

"I know your scared Jake but it's me it rebel you are okay I'm just like you. You have the shift back. Think of yourself as human and concentrate on that" concentrate and I fall to the ground. IN HUMAN FORM. NAKED!!!

He shifted back and I quickly ruined my head and threw him clothes and said

"put those on I don't wanna see" and he did we took him to Emily's and the boys shifted back the elders were waiting I walked inside with Jake. Jacob was still in shock.

Sam explained everything except imprinting and he told Jake that he was the rightful alpha and he could take Sams place if he wanted it that made the whole pack frown and me wanna cry. But Jake denied and said

"I'm no leader" So Sam will forever be alpha.
But he had a problem with no being able to see Bella which made Sam have to use his alpha voice and he listened.

Then Jacob asked" so whose all apart of the pack?"

" Me, Paul, you, Quill, Embry, Brady, Collin, Jared, and Sam. Emily is Sam's imprint and Harry and Billy are the elders and Sue is Harry's imprint." i said

*Wow how'd I say that in one breath* I thought

" Whats imprinting and how is my dad and Harry our elders?" He ask a lot of questions. But I answered kindly

" Billy and Harry are our elders because they were once shifters too and had a pack."

"What about imprinting?"

"Imprinting is like....it's like... it's not the earth is holing you here anymore, she or he does.... You become whatever they need you to be, wheaten that's a protector, a lover, or a friend. You have no control over it but when it happens you whole world stops and revolves around them" I explained as I though of Seth which increased the pain it my chest but I ignored it.

"sounds like you know about it. Did you imprint on someone?" Jacob ask curiously.

"Yes but he rejected me and it's the worst pain you can ever feel."

" what do you mean rejected? " He retorted with an slight attitude.

"Jaco-" Dad started but I said

" it's fine dad" he looked at me with sympathy and nodded I continued and said " when you imprint it's like your only thing to live for nothing else matters in those moments of any other. But when they reject you it means they don't want anything to do with you and it's like a knife that just sits in your chest everyday and somethings the pain is unbearable and their nothing I can do about it.....and I'll slowly die."

"WHAT?! You can't die Rebel"

" It's not my choose"

he understood and didn't bring it up again. We then left and headed home to sleep.

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