Billy's House

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I looked at the clock*4:22am* i layer back down because I was tired and somewhat fell back asleep. I didn't even know I did till my alarm went off *8:00am*

I slowly got up and took a shower and got dressed in red lace panties, matching bra, Red tank top, light blue skinny jeans, socks, and my red air-force ones and then I made my breakfast.

 Nothing special just grits, eggs, toast, and coffee. I still had time till I had to get to Billy's he said 11 so I had about 45 minutes minus the 10 to get there. I decided to clean a little. *10:48*

I grabbed my black leather jacket, my keys, and phones then got in my jeep and drove to Billy's he said that Jacob wouldn't be there something about hanging out with a Bella girl. 

I pulled in the drive way and parked. I saw the elders cars, and a truck which I then realized was Emilys, *Great*i thought. I got out and put my phone and keys in the pocket.
I knocked a Sue opened it.

"Goodmorning sweetheart I'm glad you could make it everyone's inside" Sue said as she hugged which I happily hugged back

"Mornin Sue its good to see yuh again" She led me to the kitchen where I saw the pack except Bradley and Collin *they probably had petrol* I thought. I then saw Emily and the other elders Harry Clearwater, Sue Clearwater, and Billy.

"Well I pretty sure you know who all of the boys and Emily are Rebel so I don't have to introduce you" Harry spoke. So I responded with

"Yes sir I do know who they are Harry and it's good to see you. You too Billy."Harry said

"good to see yuh to Winter" I smiled at his nickname for me while the pack looked confused.

Billy said "Good to see you too. Now why don't we sit down and talk." We all sat down and he continued" Emily told us what happened yesterday and they completely understand why your mad."  Sue then spoke up and said

"and it is quite alright that you mad I would be to."

"Wait" Sam said in a serious tone which lead to me doing an internal eye roll"How does she know what we are and how does she know you"

All the boys nodded once in agreement as to saying they wanted to know.
The 3 elders looked at my with a nod saying i could trust them. I stood up and walked out side they were confused but follow they stood on the porch and I walked to the tree line.

 I stood behind a tree and stripped then shifted and walked out in my White wolf form. Everyone except the elders were shocked Emily walked forward and stood in front of me and pat my head.

Their thoughts when they saw her in wolf form
Sam*Wow. White fur and a girl.*

I pat her head then she turned around and went to the woods. A few minutes later she came back fully clothed. I was in shock. So was everyone else.
"SO" Rebel spoke taking everyone out of their thoughts except the elders who knew"any questions"
"Umm yes when the hell could girls shift and why is you fur so white, when did you shift, are their more like you"Paul shot at her with questions then SAM cut him off

"Easy Paul"

Rebel is like a granddaughter to me I knew same would except her but it seems Sam and Emily have a parent child connection with Rebel. The pack was arguing arguing I butted in and said"why don't we go inside so I can explain" 

Rebel sent me a thank you smile which i gladly returned as she wheeled me in the house.
We all say down on the couch when Rebel began telling her story.

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