The Cullens Left

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TIME SKIP The day Rebel finds out the Cullens leave REVIEW of the last 3 months

Rebel is a part of the Pack. Is better with her magic grown closer to Emily and Sam. 

Was hurt one night and passing out so when Sam put her to bed she accidentally called him dad they haven't hasn't talk about it. School and Online Collage was Easy They pack agreed to Rebel being friends with the Cullens after ALOT of begging. 

She spent a few weekends with the Cullens a grew close with everyone except Bella and Edward but her and Edward did talk.

it was around 11 at night and I was cleaning my room when my phone started ringing. Oh da-SAM! Sam was calling me *why did I almost call him dad* i thought

ME-Devils daughter how can i help you
SAM-we need you to search you the western part of the woods with me
ME- I'm walking out the door whats going on
SAM-Bella's missing
ME-ughh stupid human I'm on my way

I went behind a tree and stripped but I put my clothes In a bag an tied it around my leg I shifted and started running. I made it to Sam and I opened my mind link

Me-whats going on Sam
Sam-The Cullen left and Edward left Bella in the woods
*The Cullen left when he said that i was hurt*
Me-W-what do you mean they left
Sam-I'm sorry sweetie
Me-its okay where do you need me
Sam- you go left ill go right

Then we split off I tried not to think they left me tho.
I was still runny for about 15 minutes when I smelt Bella scent. So I mind linked him once I spotted her

ME- SAM I found her she's passed out
SAM-where are you
ME-don't worry head to Charles ill meet you there
JARED-you sure
COLLIN-i'm here
PAUL-i'm at Charles
SAM-i'm almost there
ME-ill see you in a few minutes

I shifted back and got dressed army boots, running bra, and shorts she was ice cold when i picked her up but my body heat helped a little. I started running to Charles while trying not to cry because my best friends left with out a goodbye. I made it to the tree line and I saw cop light and everyone standing around and a worried Charlie.

I walked out the woods carrying Bella when I heard Jake say " CHARLIE she's over there" he saw me and jogged to me and kept thanking me.

My back was to the pack and when I turned around I saw then with scared and worried faces . "What " I asked

"Who did that to your back?!" Sam said getting mad. *shit how did I forget* 

Forgetting i had my mind link open I started tearing up and I ran to the wood I shifted and ignored the calls of the Pack and I accident had my mind link open still. As I was running I had flashback from when I had my scares.

My eyes slowly open to see my legs changed to the floor and my arms hanging from a chain bolted in the roof.
"Who was it" She asked in English
I looked to the left and i saw Selena hanging there I knew what was gonna happen.
"WHICH ONE OF YOU TRIED TO ESCAPE?!" She asked angrier and louder
Before Selena could say anything I took the blame "IT WAS ME" I screamed and started crying
She signaled for the guards to take Selena to her room and she tried to protest.
"You dumb child. So f****** stupid. You little B****"
"Please i'm sorry"i said through my tears
"Вы знаете, за что вас наказывают?" voice asked(Do you understand why you are being punished)

"Пожалуйста, я умоляю вас, я не хотел, чтобы я больше не делал этого, пожалуйста, не делайте этого" 11 years old me begged(Please i'm begging you, i didn't mean to i wont do it again please don't do this)

All the woman replied with was"Попрошайничество - это слабость. Так что заткнись, ты должен выучить своего ублюдка" (Begging is weakness. So SHUT UP you have to learn you bastard child)
I felt the whip hit my back


SAM-rebel come to the pack house.... Rebel you there hun.. I need you to come back to the house
ME-ok I replied in a quite voice

When I made it to the house Emily held out some clothes which i grabbed with my mouth and got dressed in a hoodie and sweat pants, and ofc panties and bra. 

No one said anything I just said goodnight and went the the bedroom that I had at Emily's and went to sleep. I didn't get much sleep though constantly waking up with nightmare, of my past, and the Cullen living.

I felt betrayed and lied to and mostly abandoned.

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