The Newborn Fight

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The next day a few meet in the field. When they meet up in the mountains Seth and Rebel spent all their time together. Leah and Rebel spent hours talking Selena into staying at home just in case. 

Jacob and Rebel stood guard in the mountains. When Rebel couldn't think straight with the teeth chattering so as soon as Rebel couldn't take it they both walked inside the tent.

Rebel immediately laid in front of Bella even tho the girl didn't like her she didn't want her to freeze to death.

Rebel immediately fell asleep while Jacob and Bella and Edward were talking.



Rebel stayed on the mountain to protect Bella. Rebel stood in front of Bella the entire time. When they started heading down the hill.


Everyone was fine at the bottom of the hill till a newborn jumped out of nowhere. Leah charged at it and they started fighting 

When Edward said"Leah Don't "and ran towards them

I needed to do something so i charged at them in human form.

"REBEL NOOO" Just as that was yelled. Me and the new born started rolling and fighting We must've hit Jacobs wolf in the process because i heard his wolf yell in pain. 

Them the new born wrapped there arms around My torso and crushed me. When Sam attacked it and the pack killed it.


Jacob was holding his right arm from the pain which was the only part that was rolled on. Not much pain but enough. He would've healed within a few minutes. While as Rebel was holding herself barely being able to breathe. 

Bella Yelled "Jacob"and ran to him.

Carlisle came to Jacob and Rebel and examined them for a few seconds when Bella reached Jacob. 

"Hold on Carlisle's gonna take care of you"Edward stated to me. Jacobs bone was almost healed

Carlisle spoke while rebel was still trying to breath "Bones on the right half part of her body are shattered."

The Cullens were worried Even Edward but Bella could care less. 

"Bella" Jacob started When she But him off 

"Jake i'm right here "But he finished

 "No i'm okay I'm healing."But she didn't listen as Rebel was still gasping for air.

Leah and the pack ran out in clothes and Leah said "Rebel you idiot I had it"

"Leah" Sam stated to concerned about his daughter.

All Bella cared about was Jacob as she held him down as he was trying to check on his sister. But Paul and Jared slung an arm under his and helped him up.


everything was ringing so i couldn't make out anything when i felt my self being lifted up. 

"Ahhh"I said as i grunted from The pain 

"Shoo babe i'm right here. Its gonna be okay"I knew it was Seth but it didn't help i started crying something i don't do. Everything was a haze.


We still haven't told the girls yet. 

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