Cliff Diving

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One morning everyone woke up and ate breakfast like any normal day when Bradey spoke up

"why don"t we go cliff diving?" everyone agreed and Emily told them to be careful.

We got there and I was in shorts and a swimming top, and the boys were in shorts. Embry and Quill were pushing Paul in the water when me and Dad heard a truck. 

*great the attention seeking human* I thought. The boys jumped and my and dad were next I was still listening listening Jacob telling Bella about our *cult* when the next thing I know I'm on my dad's shoulder and he jumped into he water.

We came up and we all busted out laughing.

"Hey don't we have cult meetings to attend to?" I asked sarcastically when of course Paul responded with

"of course my lady" in a horrible English accent. We decided to head back home as it was almost dinner and Sue invited us over for dinner.

We me and the pack got home Emily rushed us to get ready ready and Rebel said she'd ride with us. Seth is supposed to be there so I don't know how this will go.

We meet downstairs the boys were in a button up and pants, Emily was in a black knee length long sleeve dress, and Rebel was in nice jeans and a fancy shirt and combat boots. And we headed out.

When the pack and Emily got to the house Sue came out with a confused but worried look on her face

" Whats wrong Sue" Rebel questioned with concern. Before Sue could continue Rebel spoke excitedly because her and Seth became good friends since her birthday

" Hey Seth's here" and started walking to the house while she was walking she looked at Sam and said

"You might wanna hurry inside" so everyone hurried to the house.

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