The Meeting

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Sams pov*

As we walked in she lead up to the living room i was shocked it looked like fairyland house. I walked and sat beside Emily and held her protectively the boys sat down to.

 I right away wanted to know who she was so a soon as i sat down i asked Why she moved here. Emily sent me a glare not going to lie it kinda scared me.

But the girl answered"I moved here for a change of view a new life" I was still shocked with her accent. I nodded then

Paul spoke up"Who are you?"in rather a rude tone and then Emily scolded him

"PAUL could you be a little nice she welcomed us in her home."before i could scold Paul because i felt as if i had a father-daughter connection with the girl she said

"It's Alright ma'am he doesn't know me to admit i would most likely be the same way and to answer your question Paul i believe it is"All Paul did was nod then she continued"Well my names Rebellious Dawn in 15 ill be 16 in 6 months and Mr. and Mrs. Mayfeild was like family to me and she let me buy the house" *Who would let a 15 year old girl buy a house *

Pauls thoughts*WTF shes 15 with a house and who would name their child Rebellious nice name but why?!*

Jareds thoughts*She seems cool*

Bradeys thoughts*im hungry*

Collins thoughts *do you think she knows about out world*

Emilys thoughts*Shes all alone?*


i got quite for a second so i decided to speak up. "Well My names Emily, this is my fiance Sam, that's Jared, Bradey , Collin and of course Paul " I pointed to each of them as i called their name and they either waved or nodded.

"Well its nice to meet yall" She said "I can tell you this i won't cause any problems i try to keep to myself so their are no problems"

Then Sam spoke out and said"Don't be shy to come around to the house we live in the log cabin about a mile down the road that way"the pointed out the window to the direction of out house.

"Yes please come around as much as you want" i quickly agreed"I get tired off all the smelly boys around the house"Which lead to Rebel to chuckle a little which made me smile wider and for the boys to give me and offend look to which i just shrugged to.

So what grade are you in Short-stack?"Asked Paul

"I'm not that short and ill be going to my 11th grade year in Forks high and i will also will be doing online collage classes."

SAMS pov*

"Im not that short and ill be going to my 11th grade year in Forks high and i will also will be doing online collage classes." Rebel said i was shocked I quickly glances to the clock and realized it was 10:30 time for patrol . I stood up and said"

REBEL's pov* 

Sam stood up and said

"It was very nice to meet you Rebellious but we should get going" I stood up and shook his had and said

"pleasures all mine sir and please call me Rebel or Dawn" He shook his head and said

"alright and call me Sam you make me fell older than what i am with the sir stuff" I nodded"

 and said alright i showed them to the door and said it was a pleasure to meet them bedded our goodbyes and i closed the door and went back to watching T.V. About about 3:00pm i received a message (SHE Got your number before she left)

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