Is this the end?

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Minutes had passed but it felt like hours. My back and legs were on fire but I ignored the pain.

I killed another alien. Then Another. Then Another. I was enjoying the kill.

"Someone get to vision!" I heard Steve say through the coms.

"Oh my way" said Wanda's voice.

"Im headed to him" I said as i ran to where i was a vision drop.

When I got there Bruce was flying with a monster and I started fighting the other one.

I started to form a huge energy ball in my hand and blasted it at the creature.

"Kaboom '' I said with a smirk.

The monster fell back with a hole in its chest.

Then I felt something hit my head.


"Hey babe." I heard a voice. What the hell?

I opened my eyes. I was on a balcony. I looked around in confusion. Why wasnt I on the battlefield?

"You okay? You looked confused?" Seth?

I turned around and I saw him. I ran up and hugged him.

"Hey hey what's wrong?"HE asked me.

"It was so terrible.'' I told him.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I heard a voice. I looked behind seth.

"H-Hi. Who is she?" I asked seth. He looked at me confused.

He chuckled "Are you okay babe? She is our daughter Natalia, has been together for 3 years." Daughter.

"Mommy are you okay?" my daughter asked. I walked up and dropped to my knees in front of  her. 

"I'm okay" I started crying as I pulled her into a hug. Then I couldn't feel her. I looked around and everything was black.

"Hello?!" I called out

"Is Anyone there?" I called again. I looked around and no one was upstairs. I walked down stairs to see Seth and Natalia on the couch.

"Mommy hurry up, you're missing it" said a laughing natalia. I started crying again as I sat down.

"I love you. I love you both" I told them

"We love you too," they said.

I looked behind them to see him. Thanos.

I heard commotion around me as I started waking up.

I heard grunting and fighting and yelling.

"Rebel you have to get up!!" I heard a muffle voice.

"Seth?" I asked slowly.

"REBEL!!" I looked up from my laying position to see Wanda, Thanos, and vision.

He was gonna get the stone. He threw the wanda backwards.

I fought to get to my feet but I fell back down. I tried again as  Thor stabbed him in the chest.

I finally stood up but Thanos snapped. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed.

BUt he snapped then vanished.

I looked around and everyone was vanishing, turning to dust.

First Bucky.

The T'challa

Then Wanda.

Then groot.

So Many wakandans.

Then Sam.

Then peter.

Then went half the universe.

THe i felt the pain in my chest, the pain you feel when you lose someone. 


That's what happened five years ago. Half the universe was lost. Mothers, fathers, children, loved ones. Thanos was right. He would succeed in taking away half the universe.

I was weak. And Noone could help or escape. Noone could stop it.

He thought the earth was over populated. He fixed what he thought was a problem. He evened out the universe.

We lost. I lost. 

But was that the end?

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